Thursday, December 28, 2017

Touchdowns For America

What do you think about that Pompano Beach charity that appears to be a fraud?- It looks like between 2013-16 the organization donated only half a penny to two cents of every dollar to breast cancer research? Its like the scam within the scam, even if a larger portion was donated it still wouldn't be going to the right places. What do you mean by that? They don't want a cure for cancer because they make too much money on chemo and  actually seem to be giving people cancer. This way they can keep the patients/victims on their medical system racketeering plan with no real end game in sight. The Truth About Cancer- Ty Bollinger- Big Pharma once again taking advantage of peoples inherent benevolence. Most of these big charities just keep the gravy train going. So when so and so has to raise a lot of money for cancer research to qualify for a marathon one needs to keep in mind that the entire cancer industry appears to be a scam.
  You seem to feel a lot better about our President elect you were pretty down on him for a while, ie- Trump University and apparently not paying his contractors? He was taken advantage of with Trump University because he wasn't as hands on as he should have been. The way to do it is to hire top notch professional instructors not boiler room bait and switch used car salesmen. The way to do it right is to let these people see some light at the end of the tunnel not just a worthless paper diploma and a cardboard cut out caricature of the head shed. In other words people need jobs lined up after they pay a lot of money for a school, this is what will separate the real pros from the charlatans. I realized this a few years ago, everybody seems to pay a lot of money for school but it doesn't seem to get them anywhere. Then I noticed how much money the hedge funds and private equity firms were making on student loan debt. As far as not paying his contractors he will do what ever it takes to win,  if he doesn't think you did a good enough job not only are you getting fired but your not getting paid. There was no doubt in my mind that he was going to win the election.
   What do you think about Bonos interview in Rolling Stone, he doesn't seem to like or trust our President? I am surprised by that because Bono is a super spiritual man with great talent. Unfortunately he seems to admire the establishment, ie- Hillary and George W- He even visited Bush W. on his ranch. I don't get it because even if one is a liberal with a big heart who would want you know who to be President at this current moment? Uranium 1- The Clinton Foundation- How come somebody of influence and power like Bono doesn't talk about these realities? Only Fox News from what I can see. I also think that it's a great idea that he Tweets, this gives him a way to defend himself as well as to have a connection to We The People.. He makes us feel good to be Americans, like we can accomplish our dreams because he is and always was about success. Why do you think he is friends with Belichick- There is a saying, stick with the winners, nobody wants to be on the losing side. So far he and we are winning, Wall Street meeting Main Street, he is doing what he was born and made to do, he is also going to help us become successful. Its perception vs reality, even if he is a little off the mark in some minor ways the reality is that he is a strong and competent leader that will go all the way to score many touchdowns for America and that is why we voted for him.                                      

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