Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Care Of The Soul- Thomas Moore

http://abcnews.go.com/ABCNews/peggy-whitson-clocks-665-days-space/story?id=49576323 So what do you think about going back to the moon and maybe Mars and beyond? I think that's great but I am wondering why Ms Whitson couldn't stay in space just one more day to make it official.
   In the studies of alchemy Jung stated that the work begins and ends with Mercury. "Mercury is the God of fictions and fabrications, of trickery, thievery, and sleight of hand" Isn't that what the Free Masons are all about? More or less, the Occult- but some where along the way their are deep spiritual lessons to be learned. I wouldn't mind checking out the underworld-  DUMBS- (deep underground military bases) and much more. What else would you like to check out- The book Care of the Soul- So far I  read the intro- it is very good- Thomas Moore wrote this in the intro- ("In the modern world we separate religion and psychology, spiritual practice and therapy. There is considerable interest in healing this split, but if it is going to be bridged they need to be merged as one. This new paradigm shift suggests the end of psychology as we once have known it altogether because it is essentially modern, secular and ego centered. A new idea, a new language, and new traditions must be developed on which to base our theory and practice xv") The 24 hour book stated that psychotherapy is essentially selfish where as AA is altruistic as opposed to self help based, this is where the fellowship comes into place. It merges everything into one so it is the best of every world even if one is secular. Many people would state that AA is selfish because one goes there to stay sober themselves first and foremost. That is true because when the jet plane crashes and burns one has to take off the oxygen mask at  high altitude to save themselves first before they can help somebody else. It is survival based as well as spiritual but what could be better then trying to help somebody else in order to stay alive themselves. That is why it works so well. That is why many young people are going to have their lives completely transformed as a direct result of this drug- opiate epidemic.

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