Monday, December 4, 2017

Real Investigations Are On The Horizon Alex Jones called out the Globalists- He stated that they would be signing their own warrant if they try anything shady in reference to our Potus(-I’m going to tell every one of you globalists and your minions: You’re going to be held accountable, and if you don’t have the fear of God, you better have the fear of man. Or you better start reading some history books, because let me tell you something right now: You kill our elected Julius Caesar when he’s delivered victory after victory like it’s messianic in just 11 months; you kill, or you remove this president illegally with all your crap with your dying media propping it up in the face of all of the evidence because you’ve got some unconstitutional, mad dog, rogue government snake out of the swamp, your swamp team; you pull that, you’ve signed your own warrant. Know that.”  Alex Jones) Those are serious words from a man that I trust and respect. That is because I now realize that Russia Gate- Piss Gate any every other faux gate is more then likely a hoax.
   The Media needs to be held accountable, I remember Sen Blumenthal making it sound like their was prima fascia evidence against Potus Trump- I now believe that the Democrats are the deep state Swamp.  Our Potus has done a great job in less then I year- He got rid of the TPP and Trump rally's on Wall Street, The GDP is way up there over 3%- Consumer confidence breaks another record and hits a 17 year high. He is only getting warmed up, that is because he cares and wants to help the little guys get ahead after years of abuse by the Technocratic elite. He stated that the FBI is a joke and he is right- How can you have a partisan LEA that is supposed to represent the best of the best. They aren't- they have James Comey and Loretta Lynch con jobs and Slick Willys on the Tarmac working secret deals making believe they were only making small talk. Then Holder tweets out his two cents about how the FBI isn't a joke, here is a guy who needed to brainwash us about guns and then came into the state of Ct and proceeded to rob it blind with a faux school shooting with his partner in crime Obama- Phony charities, gun control legislation, big pharma kickbacks, mental health awareness scams, The Chicago mob crowd- Gun control their house of cards is going to implode like a ton of bricks along with Elon Musk and his Space X program- How can we allow NASA to continue to perpetuate phony  cgi spies and lies, pernicious usury and counterfeit currency all at the American tax payers expense, that says it all.  Everything is a fraud and our Potus is going to put the clamps down on all of this and that is why they are now running scared. They know that they are going to be toast unless they try something drastic-  Global Warming carbon tax scams, Clinton Foundation money laundering, vaccine health risks along with 77 dead holistic doctors, cover ups at the CDC,. Real Investigations are going to be taking place

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