Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Drain The Swamp

So what do you think about Ken Bucks book Drain The Swamp? So far so good- Sometimes its better to not ruffle any feathers especially when it comes down to pork barrel politics. Lets take a look at pg-47- "George Washington perhaps above all provided the model for the self sacrificing dutiful moral hero"- Alex Jones and at least one other individual stated that our Potus will possibly go down as maybe even better then good old  George what do you think about that? I talked to one of my sources who knew Washington and chewed some of the same dirt as the General and he stated that "He knew George and our Potus is no George Washington". Well that is your source what does your gut tell you? Too many times in this world we rely on what other people say or do to form opinions. Good point, he could be even better then Washington. How did your source chew the same dirt? Oh that's right he is one of those reincarnation types.
   What does your gut tell you about what Robert David Steele has to say that Eric Prince is not to be trusted and is actually part of the Deep State? My gut tells me that privatizing spying makes sense especially to drain the swamp and he is absolutely wrong, Prince is a Patriot at the highest point of the spiritual plane and absolutely can be trusted. This is just another perfect example of intel professionals that give their opinion and we are expected to take their word as final or consider it to be from the highest possible source. Those days are long gone, as Americans we have to form our own opinions. Steele has good intel however especially his (OSINT) business plans for the future. We have to take the cloak of National Security out of the equation and try to help the little guy to achieve their dreams.
   Why Washington is a swamp- "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of moral crises preserve their neutrality" JFK-pg-7- Do you want to see the Darkest Hour and maybe we can watch Churchill throw a few down? Maybe- if he got wiped out by that car history would  have been a lot different. I want to read Tom Ricks book about Churchill and Orwell, that one should be a classic, Ricks is a great writer-

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