Friday, December 8, 2017

Consecrated Warrior Souls Potus Trump is about to start kicking ass- Alex Jones explains how big changes are on the horizon. Lawrence Taylor stated- "we play like a bunch of crazed dogs" that is why he is  one of the best linebackers of all time. AJ plays geopolitics like a crazed dog, that is why I like him so much. I have never witnessed  anything close to his level of passion and enthusiasm. It all started for me when I was researching the Extortion 17 helo disaster, my life hasn't really been the same since. At that time I knew our country had a horrible war plan for Iraq and Afghanistan and I also knew that they were covering up the Warren commission. AJ has taken me to the next level of awareness and now he is standing behind our commander in Chief 110%. AJ explains how things really work, I admire his zest and crazed dog stars and stripes mentality. Here was a man that was criticizing  the war plans of the establishment as well. I was so grateful to find somebody of his knowledge and intellect on the internet, it wasn't news it was war and lets face it that is what life is. Then he brought on Dr P and that is when I learned about the 9-11 con job, I was completely blown away. I just couldn't believe that they kept sending our troops on multiple rotations for a war that they said would be over right away. After the multiple warnings from  the real leaders the establishment just blew them off which is the height of narcissistic arrogance. As I look back I can see that was the plan all along, they knew that those wars would be interminable. So how many lies have they gotten away with so far and how many lives have they ruined? 
     Their were no WMD's- if you or I made up that kind of lie by fabricating bogus intel we would be in prison multiple times over. I don't consider myself an expert on military history or strategy for that matter I just have been able to feel things on a visceral level. I realized this while in college while writing papers about Von Clausewitz- I was writing with the passion of the fallen warriors who's soul have passed through me. That is why I can write about Buddha and really feel it as well as feel like Macarthur depending on how the spirit moves me. That is why my Air Force Officer teacher said Stephen you write as if you were really there, in many ways I was. He thought that I was a wanna be and he was right in many ways I am. I am a wanna be who feels things and I know when things are right or wrong. Their are many fallen warriors  that are looking down as consecrated souls and they are going to make sure that they didn't go down for nothing. That is why it was divine intervention that our Potus was elected. He is a no nonsense Patriot and a top notch executive in the business world. We should be grateful for people like Alex Jones, people like him come around only once in a lifetime, he is doing his very best to help unite our country as one. 

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