Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Future Of Peace

http://www.businessinsider.com/marine-commandant-big-ass-fight-looming-may-redeploy-2017-12 So do we have real enemies? Yes- Tell me more- No- Is it true that man is not bellicose by nature? Yes- On Killing- Man has to be trained to kill and it goes against our real nature. Remember Planet Of The Apes- Ape didn't kill ape they didn't have that much respect for man. However we didn't really evolve from apes- That story is about as fraudulent as the Titanic's official version. The problem is that war creates pain and anguish especially when they kill your battle buddy and then one is expected to not want to wipe out the entire village after that. The secret is to avoid war to begin with because nobody really ever wins we have already proven that. What about our Potus's Peace through Strength motto?- Yes- that works- I just saw this new book called The Future of War- Lawrence Freedman, I might check it out- AI- full battle rattle- The entire 9 yards for the next 50 years. I  am going to write a book called The Future Of Peace. What other books do you want to check out? https://aplanetruth.info/- They have an e-book that seems to blow the cover off of the spinning globe blue marble scam- So what do they tell the truth about? Nothing- These people were born to lie, infact it is embedded in their DNA- They don't lie about a few things here and there they lie about absolutely everything form A-Z. Infact the rabbit hole goes so deep its tough to even wrap ones head around it. Like what else do they lie about? Basically every official story that comes out is a hoax from jump street set up way in advance by cia- Even the investigators are in on it, its quite pathetic to say the least. So what does cia really do? Lets see manipulate, spy and lie, I am trying to think about what else they do and I cant think of anything else they really do besides that. Everything is controlled, every phone call, every voice inflection, they are nothing more then professional actors on the payroll.
    Do you think things will change or turn around with the new administration? I am not sure but don't be fooled by some of these so called geniuses that took companies public from nothing. Many of these people are cia so their money really was effortless meaning that they were never really rocket scientist and wizards or that talented to begin with. Like who are you referring to? Buffet- Gates the usual suspects, the ones that everybody falls over and runs to their seminars' and treats them like the messiahs or the second comings of how to make lots of doe and how to continue to make it. Buffet may be real but Mr. Death Panel- Gates is part of the George Soros crowd- They want to eliminate the worlds population. So how does the flat plane affect the rocket scientists and astrophysicists of this world? It affect everything, that is why they don't want to let that cat out of the bag. So what do they really teach in school? Not much that is real apparently, the only real professors get lambasted,  ridiculed and eventually fired look what they did to James Tracey. Are you surprised that his lawsuit was dismissed? No- The intelligentsia is controlled by the special interest groups that ultimately control everything. They hire cia puppets like our former Potus to say that global warming and Sandy Hook are and were real. The cia recruits young, they are always watching, somebody like Obama was an easy target because he is an attractive and intelligent man of color. This is one of the reasons why people like Jamie Fox said  that he was our lord and savior. The truth is that he was never that strong and probably never got in a fight at the playground to prove his mental and physical toughness. He never had a real father figure either,  he just took lessons from the actor mentors that told him what to say and do and how to play the game. Kind of what Karl Rove did for George W- So how come they all seem to take the easier softer  route- smoke and mirrors, easy money and pernicious usury? Because hard work is a myth, the people who say that hard work is and was the secret to their success are the biggest liars of all- Its how to play the game because look what happened to Gordon Gekkos dad-  "He worked like an elephant pushing electric supplies and then dropped dead at 49 with a heart attack and tax bills". The secret to success is to work smart and the way to work smart is to play the game.

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