Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Take The Red Road- Part 2

Ravaged by opioids, Cherokee Tribe in Oklahoma Fights Big Pharma- New York Times Dec 17- First the white man brought in the alcohol and now the opiates. There is a story about a tribal leader named Broken Arrow- He was forced to uproot his family by the imperialistic white man and then coerced into Reservations. These spiritual warriors suffered deeply as a direct result of this and that is what has contributed to an alcoholism rate that far exceeds the Irish- I talked to one person a few years back who stated that the Irish don't have a high level of alcoholism in their genes. That is like saying the same thing about the Scots- Many people come across as purely ignorant and even if they knew the truth, still don't have the integrity to speak it. 
   So fast forward to 2017 now the white man has targeted the Native Americans for massive opiate addiction. A lot of opiate babies, broken hearts and broken dreams. So who is this white man that does all of these dirty things to their fellow man? The globalists, technocrats Kazarian Maphia all of the above. I would be more then a little pissed off if they came into my tribe and waged war on my people especially by killing Two Socks- Take The Red Road means that the so called cowboys  should have never been fighting and killing the Native Americans as occupiers and forcing them off their own land. Instead they could have cohabitated and learned a thing or two especially about Vision Quests and the Sweat Lodge ceremonies. McKeeson, Cardinal Health, Amerisource Bergan the same big players that the DEA is apparently afraid of are putting a lot of Native Americans into dark places by allegedly circumventing federal drug monitoring laws and reporting requirements. In other words they were expecting a buffer or a middle man, a checks and balances system. Instead these distributors sold directly to the pharmacies, the big pharma chains that fill our streets with pills and addicts. Today  just like in the 1980s with the crack epidemic, there is now an abundance of opiate babies. The Native Americans are suing in the Tribal Court- Does a Cherokee reservation even exist legally? The Trail of Tears- Forced cross country resettlement in 1839. The suit implicates the pharmacies as well.

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