Friday, December 29, 2017

Warrior Poet Full Of Sonets

So what do I tell people when they ask me what I do for a living? Tell them the truth- ok- I will tell them that I am a warrior poet full of sonets full of piss and vinegar and grateful for a Scottish warrior that is finally in the White House who not only declared war against the fake news but is also cleaning house and that is why the globalists are now running for the exits. What did you think about PBS and their Secret History Of Isis? Old news, fake news bad guy bogey man myths- Lets talk about real news and what is coming down the pipe line. So you have all of this intel on the bad guys what are you really going to do with it? Unfortunately not much because too many important people would go to jail. So drug running out of Afghanistan and money laundering what's up with that? Nothing because look what happened in the 80s with drug and gun running- Ollie North and the cia black ops teams, now Ollie is a stand up guy at Fox news. It's all smoke and mirrors, everything is an illusion. Think about it maybe the so called real news is really fake news? Alex Jones stated that our Potus sent out some teams to knock the shit out of the Mexican drug cartels what do you think about that? MS-13- We would be able to take out a lot more scums of the earth then that if they really let us. Like who else- The pedophile garbage and human trafficking rings- They would all be eliminated forever  if certain people would get out of the way. Like who are you referring to? A good magician never reveals his secret sauce. Lets not forget that Task Force 129 has a masters degree in kicking ass and taking names- The latest executive order makes a lot of sense- clamping down on globalist off shore money laundering 

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