Monday, November 27, 2017

Soldiers Of The Apocalypse

So how are you going to route out the den of Vipers and Thieves- Task Force 129 are rock and roll mercenaries and soldiers of the apocalypse. The only time we ever really feel at peace is when we are at war so we were born for days like these. We are modern day gladiators and Praetorian Guards who have over watch protection details over the American people- People call us crazy that is because we know that in some ways that we are- We are anti establishment and we never bring a knife to a gunfight. So Bush and his cronies were into god he talked about it all the time, he was the Manichean Candidate what do you have to say about that? George W wasn't as horrible as some say he was, he had a lot of admirable qualities. What were his biggest flaws? For starters one can never win a war based on fraud because that is where you lose the moral high ground right off the bat and never lie to a warrior because that isn't good karma- These Vipers and Thieves lie about everything. If we really got hit on 9-11 the way they say that we did we would have turned most of the Middle East into a parking lot. That is the real neo-colonial imperialistic hegemony that these leaders crave. What do you mean elaborate? First of all we would have occupied Iraq and told the truth about why were going in- for oil profits and Halliburton contracts- That way we could all enjoy the Spoils Of War even while losing some of our men. To The Victor Go The Spoils- This means don't lie to the American people and ask them if its ok to go to war first and have them make the decision based off of transparency and irrefutable proof. These people are so crooked- WMDs- Put it this way either way we should have surrounded that country and went in with colossal and overwhelming force- These people aren't capable of thinking like a warrior because they have been lying about everything their entire lives- They fake everything, deaths, counterfeit currency, pernicious usury- the blue marble, I tell you what we are about to blow them all out of the water.  
   Even to have rumors that may or may not be true about Satanism and pedophile rings is repugnant. The fact that it is potentially somewhat believable means that these establishment frauds have something inherently flawed within their character and they need to be routed out just like Andrew Jackson stated. Do you think JFK knew that we weren't capable of really going to the moon? That is a good question, I know that he wanted to because he knew that man had infinite potential. Is it true that he may have been a Luciafarian Free Mason just like the rest of them? Maybe- The only thing I know for sure is that he was trying to take out the same demons we are trying to take out and that is why he didn't last too long. What about the Sandy Hook Vampires? Vampires don't have the morale high ground either because they hide in the dark, they aren't going to last very long going up against even one of our soldiers of the apocalypse- These people are twisted- Obama fraud and Hillary- AJ stated that some of the bw guys stated that Hillary was the devil herself and exemplified manifestations of BPD- I believe every word of it. It was Satanism to have American soldiers drive around without ROES just waiting to get blown up in Iraq. We are supposed to have restraint but not hesitant that is how one wins a war. If one American goes down we are supposed to by code of honor try and take out at least a few bad guys with us. We never shoot at innocent civilians though- That is bad karma and weakness- Only insurgents that plant ieds and overall scumbags that are trying to kill us. What do you have to say about Iraq being a sovereign country and nobody was really a scumbag and that we weren't supposed to kill any of them? They are correct- We never should have went in because it was all based on fraud and lies. What does it mean to be in this world but not off this world? We are fraud eliminators and see through things that many other people either cant or choose to not even look. I don't know if that is the way it was meant to be but while other people outside of our circle talk about fantasy football we kind of laugh. We talk about preserving democracy and putting people in places they should have been long before that is a big difference.                                                                                       

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