Thursday, November 9, 2017

Rebirth- American Renaissance

Peter asked his dad what his feelings were about how the left makes our current Potus out to be an aggressive neo-con hawk just like the rest of them that is more into himself then the current state of affairs in our country? The liberal press is intellectually dishonest as well as dishonest to the American people. Our Potus is a Patriot who didn't have to come out of semi- retirement to save our country but he did. Nobody is perfect however he has done a lot of great things so far and it hasn't even been a year. Look at Wall Street, I know one can criticize and say see that proves right their that he only wants to make the rich richer with the Bulls as opposed to the Bears but this is a real signal for our country's future. What do you mean- elaborate?- Wall Street is in record highs but this only means that main street will eventually start to benefit specifically with manufacturing jobs much sooner rather then later. What do you say to the critics even the ones that are in the intel community that state our Potus is in bed with Israel and not loyal and that he doesn't want to put America first but rather Israel first? That is nonsense- He has an affinity toward Israel and he does a lot of business with them is that supposed to be a bad thing? It means that he is smart and that he surrounds himself with a lot of intelligent and successful people especially in business? Last time I checked he was rich and successful but he also wants to implement his business strategies as well as acumen and lets not forget his overall philosophies on life to America so that we can all eventually be successful. He is not doing this for ego or self aggrandizement, contrary to what the liberal press has to say.
  He is not afraid to let you know that America is great but could be even greater as long as people get out of the way and let him do his job, something that he was born to do. What do you have to say about the critiques that make it appear that he wants to wipe North Korea off the map? If somebody picks a fight with the Unites States it is going to be a big problem for them. Fire And Fury the whole 9 yards- The clown in charge of North Koreas is a Totalitarian despot that believes in his own press. He has his people so mind controlled and subservient to him that he is actually now drowning in his own ego and narcissistic reflection in the water and that is always a bad thing. I feel sorry for the innocent civilians who have their leaders pick a fight with our country especially with our head Potus in charge- He has a lot of military might at his disposal and is not afraid to use it is that supposed to be a bad thing? What the N. Koreans should do if they had any brains is try to take out that head clown in charge because it might potentially save hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of innocent civilians in the long run. I thought you said that our Potus wasn't a hawk? Our Potus is real, he will tell you how he feels and why he feels it and he doesn't hide behind subterfuge and dishonesty- That is why we train in times of  peace and why we train in times of war, we sweat more in training so we can bleed less in war. The Lucifarinas who picked a fight with the American people as well as the people of the world are going to be in a world of hurt much sooner rather then later as well. What do you mean? These Eugenicists degenerates that are into wiping out the worlds population for their own selfish gains. Our Potus was chosen, it is divine intervention, he is going to come through on many if not all of his promises just wait and see. A rebirth- An American Renaissance  

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