Thursday, November 16, 2017

Phamakeia- End Of Times Prophecy

Peter stated " So there really is a world wide conspiracy and death cult that wants to wipe out the human population"? I always thought that some of the guys in my unit were kind of on the fringe you know conspiracy theorists that were overly paranoid." Lets put it this way we have been fighting these demons for years, it is true lets look at Pharmakeia- This was an end of times prophecy that is in the right here and the right now- In the state of Fla Opiate deaths are way up especially Fentanyl however prescription drugs are killing more people then any of them. Opiate deaths are up 35% Cocaine is way up there on the list even ahead of heroin however prescription drugs accounted for 61% of all the narcotics found in drug related deaths in 2016 when alcohol was excluded. Benzos, Oxy's there is no difference between these drugs and the illegal drugs that are found out on the street. These are some serious drug dealers that write these prescriptions but when good factions of the DEA come in and put the clamps down this is when the chronic pain patients many of whom have already morphed into hard core addicts have no choice but to find their drugs out on the street. It is a class 3 felony to be found in possession of a drug that's not prescribed but what's the difference there is none. Infact most  of these doctors are even more perfidious then the drug dealer out on the street who just need to make a dollar just like the doctor. In many cases they are both trying to feed their own habit and this is when many of the dealers end up in jail with an intent to distribute charge, this is when the big money is made . Incarcerations of drug dealers many of whom are hooked as well  just like the addict who are just caught up in the system. Without a spiritual awakening the chances of these people ever getting sober are less then average that is why many of them unfortunately end up dead or end up killing an innocent person with a DWI when they are not doing their time. The system loves to incarcerate people because many of these prisons are private and for profit and the more people coming in and out the more the cash register starts to sing. Even when they aren't private big dollars are still being made.
  This is criminal because many of these chronic pain patients really need the drugs for legitimate injuries but when the doctors cut them off many end up seeking these drugs illegally on line or out on the street or then move on up to heroin and fentanyl thus the vicious cycle continues. The end of times Illuminati bankers are killing holistic doctors as well, up to 77 so far. Really tell me more Peter stated? Holistic doctors know a lot whether it be about GCMAF- CBD oil or just how to treat peoples pain without writing a prescription that is why many are ending up dead. Who is killing them? Lowlifes and degenerates that work for the cia and the mobsters who do you think? How do we take these people out? Well for starters our teams have the morale high ground and we don't resort to their level. We have Tier One operators and pychotronics  just like they do but we don't kill people or threaten like these low level thugs. For example these degenerates threatened Wolfgang Halbig's grandchildren just because he is investigating the SHES school shooting, as a National School safety expert he is more then qualified to do this.
   We have quality intel from the inside so when these people go down it is going to an implosion of epic proportions, shock and awe in the likes this country have never seen before, filled up and fueled up with stars and stripes and thunderous roars. For now we just neutralize however, we let them know that what they are doing is not acceptable while we try to prevent out right attacks, threats and assassination attempts. We cant get these lowlife thugs on attempted murder or  murder charges because many of these Illuminati perps are sitting on the bench. It is such a corrupt system that most people wouldn't be able to wrap their head around it. Even if you told them most people still wouldn't believe it and that is exactly the way they like it and that is why it is set it this way.  We finally have a Potus that is on the right side so right now they are getting desperate. For example their are 77 holistic dead doctors one would think that the Rico perps who own mainstream media would cover this story. And then the pedophiles Franklin Cover Up- These people are less then human without a soul. Like I stated their is such a thing as Karma and we don't kill because we are not like them but these demons are going to face a world of hurt in their next life.

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