Tuesday, November 28, 2017

On The Brink

Bogus Intel- Lies fraud- sending American soldiers to die for bull shit fake WMDs- Many soldiers are now ruined for life and nobody is doing anything about it- "There were two choices- unleash "shock and awe" on the evildoer or face the risk of nuclear attack from a boat in New York Harbor or a missile over London and more mass graves in Iraq"pp-4 Tyler Drumheller- People seem to be ok with a govt that pathologically lies because they know that they will never face any real consequences- 9-11 total fraud bs cover story that makes zero sense- cia bs guy who is trying to make the 9-11 official story look legit only shows how many actors we have in our intel apparatus- That was the guy who looked like a hero by blowing the whistle on cia torture program- So now he comes out protecting the official 9-11 version as if anybody is really going to believe or listen to him- Kirakou or whatever his name is- These establishment frauds knew years in advance that they would be waging war on Mesopotamia- They didn't set it up to win because that is what real leaders do- They set it up to be as long and miserable as possible therefore causing major American casualties- What other reason can be given for why they disbanded the Republican guard? So it appears evident that they didn't care how many of our soldiers got blown up and are now ruined for life- They knew that the longer the war the more contracts and money would be  made- Criminality at the highest levels- High Speed lucrative overseas contracts with high returns at the expense of the soldier just doing his job for god and country- If that wasn't bad enough they made believe that they were blind sided on 9-11 so they weren't prepared- Their will be final judgment- It isn't looking that great for these frauds who went along with this

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