Thursday, November 2, 2017

Rose Colored Glasses

Peter asked his dad what he thinks about the past three presidents? Establishment cronies that would do anything for a dollar. Look at Obama do you think he really cares about Chicago and how violent it is? Here is a guy who never had a real father figure who then proceeds to unleash crocodile tears and false flags all over the place. A real President would never terrorize their own people. So what are you saying our previous presidents have all been terrorists? Yes, that is exactly what I am saying, I have a security clearance above them anyway so I can get away with saying this. What do you think about our current Potus? He is much better then all of the other ones, he is a maverick and a Patriot. He has the ability to shake up the world as we currently knew it and the establishment is now grasping at straws. This Russian fiasco is nothing more then smoke and mirrors, our Potus is strong and actually comes alive when the bullets start to fly.
   So what did you mean by the Lucifarians are on an all out assault on humanity? We have a bunch of rich cowards who not only hate themselves but hate the human race as well because it represents truth, it represents what they aren't meaning selfless co-creators. Most of these people are  pathetic, full of fear, self absorbed, weak, filthy rich and untrustworthy. What do you mean by that? These cowards are into Eugenics- That means mass depopulation via poison vaccines, chem trails, GMO's opiate od's, there is enough substantive evidence to eventually start charging these pathetic individuals with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Bill Gates, The Rockefeller Foundation, their goal is to thin out the heard to get the worlds population down to a more manageable level. If they want a war then they came to the right place, that is why Task Force 129 was created, our guys were born for days like these.
   Humans are the divine creation and that is why the sun and moon revolve around the earth, not the other way around. We wont here this from the lame stream media, its all a joke to the higher ups and they love to play god- Their will be a Karmic debt, that is just the way it rolls. The brutal cut throat Darwinian theory is just that a theory. It doesn't add up when critical thinking and real analysis come into the picture. Being at war with our fellow humans is a mind control trick these manipulators have mastered for thousands of years. They took out a lot of great people that stood up to their selfish and greed mongering ways. That is why the war machine recruits 20 year old Army Rangers, because they know how to kick down doors, kick ass and take names all under the phony guise of fighting and killing for the greater good.
   The only way to stop this is to be able to wage war on the right people not sovereign countries where our guys end up dead so these criminals can export all of the dope and then proceed to attack our people with the dope that they are supposed to be protecting us from. Its Hegelian Dialectic- They make believe that they are fighting the good fight meanwhile they are running the show behind the curtain just like the Wizard Of Oz- Occupying a country for opiate profits while filling our streets with this stuff that is killing our people all over the place. What did you mean by our flat plane? Our earth is a plane, its time for everybody to take off their rose colored glasses. We need to start to preserve the human race before these diabolical Lucifarians try to kill us all.  

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