Monday, November 13, 2017

Communion With God-Neale Donald Walsch

We are all one with more then 9 lives and an eternal soul- Ultimate Reality- Everything we think that we need we already have- Need is an illusion and the illusion of need is the ultimate illusion of all- At the end we wont be judged by some draconian critic with a white beard- But rather nothing we  have done will matter but who we have been while we have done it will matter more- What one may call many failures is really just successive experiences- God is within us all, we don't have to beg and do foxhole prayers nor do we have to be subservient- The Obeyance worship myth and religious based Catholicism written and unwritten rules are not the truth the whole truth and nothing but- Organized religion has been nothing more then a spiritual hijacking for mans selfish gains and this has been the ultimate sin of all. It has been a mind control guilt trip just for being born- The Original Sin scam- The Divine Intelligence he/she or whatever one chooses to call a power greater then ourselves is really our equal not the other way around-  He/She Divine Intelligence wants us to succeed and thou shall not judge- 10- Illusions- Illusion of Need- Failure-Disunity-Insufficiency-Requirement-Judgment-Condemnation- Conditionality-Superiority- Ignorance- The truth - Old Paradigm- One has to do something in order to be something- New Paradigm shift- One already is something and then does something.
   In highly evolved societies one doesn't have to be told but rather does because we have an inherent need to contribute to the greater good- Heaven is an illusion along with hell- One is held accountable by assertive confrontation with the facts- Adam and Eve- Myths- The Fallen Angel Myth is nothing more then creations by crisis actors in our intelligence community that claim to have had a bw helo shot down. Thou shall not judge homosexuality trans genders and everything else in between regardless of what the bible supposedly said- We don't have to strive for perfection and then feel guilt and shame when we are not. But Rather we already are perfect because The Divine Intelligence doesn't create anything that isn't already perfect- Nobody is above anybody else we are all equals sharing the divine spirit of eternal life with many lives and an eternal soul- Happiness is not created as a reason for certain conditions but rather Certain conditions are created as a reason for us already being happy- Disunity- Divide And Conquer not healthy and of course thou shall not kill this is an important one- We no longer have to say but she said or he said to use them as a legitimate source to try to defend our  position- We are already the divine source where we can share with others through our collective conscience- Their is no final authority that is going to send us down below to a life of eternal damnation unless we surrender and become obsequious-  We are already connected to source but just never realized it until we opened our eyes and became grateful and humble. Not Foxhole prayers but rather a friendship where we know as long as we stay connected we wont go down below and ingest the poison fruits of alcohol or drugs, this is important for me to accept and acknowledge as an alcoholic that is in recovery. This is the difference between Emanance where we feel less then to an external source and Immanence- This is the Ultimate Reality and divine unity where we are already connected as one- This means past present and future- mind body spirit, recovery, unity service- Triune- we are all connected by threes that lead into one

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