Friday, November 3, 2017

Trumps War

I respect Michael Savage and his views on our Presidents war to restore the Republic. I especially liked his analysis on what Plato warned everybody about, ie- the entertainment types that can add in the destruction of American culture and values. I try to be as objective as possible because I am an independent that is why I have faith in our Potus. I like and respect Roger Stone, Michael Savage and Alex Jones. They are all Patriots that have our countries best interest at heart. That is why I know that America will be great again with more jobs and populism becoming the next wave of societal norms.
   After reading the new Sober World my feeling is that Dr Blums product of nutraceutical amino acid therapy should replace Suboxone as far as MAT (medication assisted treatment) is concerned. His product is patented, he has been studying this for  as long as I have been alive. He is the founder of the alcoholic gene better known as Reward Deficiency Syndrome. This encompasses all levels of potentially maladaptive or compulsive behavior patterns. Whether it be alcohol, cocaine, heroin, gambling  etc.. Medical marijuana is ok as long as one doesn't have alcoholism or Reward Deficiency Syndrome- Powerless over 1 powerless over all, weed is a narcotic that can potentially do more harm then good. I used to smoke weed like it was meth because I couldn't deal with life on life's terms.So if somebody has chronic pain but is hooked on opiates and  has RDS then smoking weed could be deleterious. The brains receptor sites get triggered when one is an addict, this is when the floodgates open up. The addiction cycle can and will get started all over again. As soon as somebody offered me cocaine when I was on the marijuana maintenance holistic program I used it. That was proof enough for me that I will never be able to control any mind or mood altering substance. 

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