Monday, November 20, 2017

The Wine Of Success

"We drank of  success as of a wine which could never make us feel elated"pg-19 As Bill Sees It- Gratitude turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity- It makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow- Melody Beattie- Cultivating Gratitude - The Foundation for attracting abundance- Health And Wellness- Nov. issue- Gratitude is the wine of success because I could never fill up the hole in  my soul called alcoholism- I need to find it in the immaterial. I am grateful when watching these gambling addicts on Nat Geo- They have very similar problems- This one guy was a wanna be mobster clown- He was a bookie that collected- He said things like why do I do this "because I am a money hungry son of a bitch" He almost bragged about hurting people who didn't pay up- Three Dimensional individual who is a capitalist which is ok but what a low level line of work- In the gambling world their is a code- "Only The money matters" He stated that the next time the judge sees him he is going to get letters not numbers meaning "Life"   
  Apparently 0ver 90% of the gambling bets are placed illegally and off shore. San Hose- Costa Rica- Gambling addicts have mid brain issues the same way that alcoholics and drug addicts have. Law and Order SVU had a program that had Rollins that is a gambling addict, an excellent and accurate depiction. A detective sworn to uphold the letter of the law with underground gambling issues that threatened her career. I was told by a reliable source that gambling addictions are hell on earth, it is not as in the mainstream or in the spot light as our drug epidemic but I can relate. Rollins had an emotional trigger that set her off on a gambling binge. We need to fill our souls with the spiritual otherwise it will never work meaning sobriety. What is the definition of sobriety? Psychic change where we still have the emotional pangs and triggers but deal with them head on with various support groups combined with a connection to Source along with metaphysical outlets. Dirty doctor front page of Palm Beach Post- DEA undercover bust- "It was unconscionable that a doctor authorized to prescribe drugs to wean addicts off opioids would be part of the problem and not the solution" Palm Beach Post-  The solution would be to have patients monitored more closely which is not an easy thing to do. Its pretty simple addicts who are on meds cant be their own medicine man/women. The doctors cant dispense these meds and then expect the addict to take these responsibly on their own volition, many would say this is hand holding but what other solution is their? We are drug addicts- hello big Pharma criminals-  Addicts  need to have the meds administered to them  in a controlled environment in a sober community until they get spiritually grounded and off all medication. This is because if an alcoholic is prescribed Xanax to detox then when one drinks on these pills this can and will lead to death quickly. The same premise holds true for Suboxone for heroin withdrawal-

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