Thursday, November 16, 2017

Task Force 129

Peter asked how the operators of Task Force 129 were picked? Choosing from the best of the best isn't always easy and choosing who is better then the other is never easy as well. So who is tougher and more equipped Force Recon or Delta operators? Of course Seal Team and Rangers- Cia sad sog teams they are the best teams known to man and then picking individuals out of the best Teams is not an easy task. The reason for this is because on any given day or minute another individual from the same exact unit can prove he would fit right in to Task Force 129. Its like saying who is better the Yankees or the Redsox or who is the best UFC fighter. Speaking of which the NFL is not exactly doing favors for the players long term health but that is another story al together. They could use some better sports psychologists as well because that one guy made a Tweet that was obvious to me that he was really a defensive and not an offensive player.
   Oliver Stone had it right on the money with Any Given Sunday- Think about how much abuse these guys are doing to their bodies. They crash into each other at well over 100 mph on any given Sunday and then sometimes even suit up on a Thursday 4 days later. How many of these players are using more then Toradal? They are warriors but they should get out after 5 years tops. These greed monger owners don't care about them. For example I was checking out the woman sitting next to Jerry Jones in the booth last week. She reminded me exactly of Cameron Diaz character, miserable and dollar hungry. The only thing that matters is the W's and not how you play the game. How many of these people do you think really care about the players long term mental, physical and spiritual health? 
   Speaking of spiritual you mentioned that God is part of us and really is us what happened to being obsequious to a power greater then oneself? Instead of trying to figure god out let us try to figure him in instead. Once we turn our life over and make a decision the process then becomes that much easier. For example some people have the god complex that is not what I am referring to. These people would never get sober because they are filled up and fueled up with too much ego. Ego is ok as long as its healthy and not self will run riot. Once we get out of the drivers seat this is when heaven on earth has a chance of becoming a reality. What do you mean I thought life was supposed to be struggle, hell, stress hormones survival of the fittest and heaven is the place we go after we endure it all? That is the big misconception that keeps people in ugly places. That is why in order to get into the fourth and fifth dimension we have to become a nobody, pure selflessness and pure consciousness. This three dimensional world with kaleidoscopes and tunnel vision is what is causing all of our diseases and addictions?     
   What is with the new paradigm shift in the recovery world where  people are using drugs and alcohol all over the place? The merging of psychotherapy and AA is probably the best thing we have ever seen up until this point in time. That is because the longer one goes to therapy the longer the seeds get planted, this is the only way to eventually get to the fourth and fifth dimension meaning permanent sobriety. So its ok to use drugs during the therapeutic process? Sure why not Ibogaine trips- magic mushrooms pure evaluation and heaven on earth. We now live in a judgment free zone where everybody is an individual but we still can connect with each other as one through the collective conscience regardless of what recovery group we belong to. Can the average person off the street get to go visit  the fourth and fifth dimension, we don't all have to be a drug addict and alcoholic right? Right, that is why Dr Scott Peck had a waiting list of clients that wanted to get some of his secret sauce. Dr Peck is a protégé of the great man Dr Carl Jung- One of the most brilliant minds of the 20th century. I just read an article that stated Dr Jung allegedly raped one of his clients what's with that? I don't know about that but Dr Peck stated that it is actually healthy to sleep with your clients once they get spiritually grounded. In this world it is not healthy to deny ones sexuality and or affinity toward each other. 

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