Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bill Clinton Rape

These partisan news anchors are pathetic like Wuan Williams on Fox- They can never say anything that is true because then they wouldn't be towing the party line- This only shows how many paid actors we have on every news channel- They cant give credit to anything that doesn't fall into their Democratic agenda- Our first lady is doing a great job and so is our Potus- Fake news slanted way to the left- I am no longer going to listen to any critics because they are mostly all full of fraud- The Clintons- I'm Suzanne Coleman- After having an affair with Bill Clinton I became pregnant, Then my body was found with a gun shot wound to the back of my head. It was ruled a suicide and no autopsy was allowed. I was 7 months pregnant- Is this true or is this fake news? Clintons War On Women- Hillary 2 face Janus principle fraud-  She actually had the audacity to get on the victims of rape should be believed band wagon meanwhile her husband appears to be a vicious and violent rapist-  If that wasn't bad enough we have to continually look at these people in the media because they refuse to go away as if anything they say can be legit or actually be believable- MSNBC partisan anchor Thomas Roberts minimized Slick Willys vicious and violent rape allegations by calling it "alleged misconduct"- Made up Russian Dossier to discredit our Potus- Establishment puppet Matt Lauer fired for being a two faced fraud- Allegedly leaking confidential Potus comments that were meant for a  behind closed door conversation- Infowars and AJ seems to be the only one doing their job exposing these people for who and they really are- 50 employees get fired for refusing to take their flu shot only proves how down these big pharma criminals have taken this country- People get worse not better by this how much more evidence needs to be produced-My chiro told me everything that I need to know- Big changes are on the way- people will be going away to prison 

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