Monday, November 27, 2017

Memes Vs Faith

 Memetic Programing- Excuses Begone- This is the Virus of the mind that transmits and can affect others- Wayne Dyer explains that we have the power of Source within us. Universal power and frequency of Source energy vs Memetic programing or memes- Memes are a place where we take meds to dull our wits-  Source is where we are already sharp enough. Memes sometimes help you get where you are going - Source is where we have already arrived. Memes are a place where you go out on a binge when somebody sets you off- Source is a place where it doesn't upset you. Memes are a place where we learn how to manage our cravings- Source is where our cravings left long before.   Memes are when we are constantly trying to dig ourselves out of a hole- Source is where we are already whole enough. Memes are a place where they tell you to don't drink and don't think because you are not the center of the Universe- Source is when we realize that we really are the Divine Intelligence and  the sun and moon revolve around us. Memes are a place that make us feel guilty for not working at McDonalds- Source is when we understand that we are capable of a lot more.  Memes is a place where the Superego constantly judges, reprimands and criticizes- Source is where we are perfect just the way that we are. Memes are a place of self discovery actual recovery begins when we are connected to Source. Source is a place where we would be at peace if we were taken out tomorrow- Memes are where we would be upset because  they didn't let us finish the game. Source is a place where we know that god has our six  so there is no need to worry about anybody taking us out. Memes are a place where we have a constant supply of self centered fear- Source is when we have nothing but faith. Memes are a place where we constantly need more even when our accounts are full- Source is when we are at peace even when our accounts are nill. Memes are a place where we may take offense when they tell us that our dog has a repugnant odor. Source is when we apologize and just give our dog a bath. Memes are where they tell us that we are not that important so be humble and put your tail between your legs. Source is where we feel that we really may be king of the world. Memes are a place where they tell us that dogs aren't that special- Source is when we explain what dog spelled backwards is.  Memes are where we get our asses kicked up and down and all around so we may submit but still continue to fight to the bitter end. Source is when we have already surrendered because there is no fight left in us. Memes are a place where we are so unhappy and convinced that the world is about to end- Source is when we know for certain that this is where life really begins  

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