Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Report From Iron Mountain "Todays ruling elite, those who influence and interest transends national borders almost without exception defy the common good" Peter asked what he thinks about these idiots that curse at the 12 step meetings? Wait a minute arent you supposed to be patient and tolerant of peoples current therapuutic condition please modify your tone? OK what do you think about those morons who curse at the 12 step meetings? Well if somebody cant refrain from cursing in the house of god for one hour this should tell you what their problem is right off the bat. Wait a minute what if they dont believe in god and they are just dumping thier feelings out on the table arent you supposed to be kind and let them do this? Their is a reason why the rules state please refrain from the use of profanity- If somebody wants to curse then they can dump it on thier sponsor or therapist one on one or in a group therapy setting because many people dont want to hear that garbage- Its called being mindful- That is the difference beteween therapy which is therapuutic and spiritaulity- This is where one is supposed to change- That is what having a spiritual awakening is all about- 
  What do you tell people who dont believe you that meds do more harm then good? I dont tell them anything because they probally wont believe me anyway, I just share my experience with what meds did to me and if they dont listen then that isnt my issue    

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