Monday, November 20, 2017

Inmates Run The Asylum Charles Ortel is apparently doing more then the FBI in regards to the Clinton Crime Family Scam- These politicians make me sick- Disaster capitalism at its finest- Lets all line up and listen to the inmates who run the asylum and take our meds and vaccines- Apparently Gordon Duffs wife wants us to take vaccines- Vaxxed- Most of these people have seriously let me down at one time or another- It is obvious to me that VT is a partisan outlet that is slanted way to the left but still has their hooks planted into the Rockefellers and Brzezinski's of this world- Mass Eugenics and survival of the weakest- Corrupt To Their Core- We all must listen to the people wearing the white coats and especially the main stream media outlets and all of their talking heads- So these people who have claimed to become seriously ill and who have had family members die due to vaccines over the years are they all crisis actors as well? I now believe that everything is one big scam- Why would Gordons wife tell us to be good little boys and girls and line up to get our vaccines?  RFK Junior has some good information on what these do to children and their families- So basically we have crisis actors that are just creating drama like Dr William Thompson- Now he is going to update his initial findings to suit big Pharmas agenda showing how he really isn't all that credible after all. That is the way these whistle blowing schemes are set fourth in the very beginning. They come out and look like real hero's only to be refuted by so called experts and then all of the intel just sits around Congress and it's guaranteed to never go anywhere substantive. The same for the Clinton Foundation Scam and pretty much every other potentially big scandal. Our Potus is supposed to be a bad guy who meddled in the election and then they hire a Partisan corrupt to their core former FBI Director- Forget about Uranium 1 Mueller came on board 1 weeks before 9-11- They had it all set up with Kissinger and company to head the 9-11 Commission's investigation. Until we take the power away from the inmates who run the asylum we are guaranteed to continue to get what we get. 60 Minutes Voyager Scam- Everybody is an actor and everything is a joke- The guy even admitted that the Voyager was put together by tinfoil.

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