Tuesday, November 21, 2017

NewsWeek False Flag JFK

http://www.newsweek.com/us-soviet-aircraft-jfk-docs-cover-operations-717460 False Flags made it to Newsweek this may be a historic moment, Peter asked  his dad what he thought about this? The JFK files are shedding light on US warfare operations for the first time in an establishment outlet like Newsweek this is definitely newsworthy. This is the same Newsweek that for over 50 years had smoke and mirrors in regard to the JFK assassination and now for the first time they are showing the world a little bit of what is to come. What do you mean this is only the beginning of a major intel dump to the American people? Yes, it is going to come upon us with thunderous roars and stars and stripes. These docs showed how our cross dressing gambling addict named JE Hoover who didn't do that much except spy on everybody and that he wanted to convince the world right away that Oswald was the lone shooter. What do you think the chances were that JE didn't know anything about the massive conspiracy ahead of time? 
   Slim to none-Even though I was very young  I knew the entire thing was bs a few years after it happened? How did you know this? First of all how is anybody going to have open shots on our President in a motorcade without a stand down of our intelligence agencies especially within our Secret Service? We trained for years with executive protection and dignitary protection details, our Ambassadors were in some pretty rough spots in the Middle East and not once did anybody come close to talking any of them out. This is what we pride ourselves on so when JFK was taken out this was definitely a cover up of massive and epic proportions. The biggest White Wash in American history, these criminals should hang themselves in disgrace or better yet we should take out the ones that are still alive who  are unequivocally culpable. What happened to Thou Shall Not Kill? Sometimes one has to do what they have to do in the rough and tumble world of intel operations.
  How does this correlate with the 9-11 False Flag- Stand Down-? The problem is that these neo-cons did such a horrible job in Iraq and what they did to our soldiers is unconsciable. They sent them into a hornets nest on purpose with no cover or protection, only the Ambassadors and dignitaries got this isn't that the way it always is? Having them drive around in unarmored Humvees with no ROE's was criminality at the highest of all levels. Now many of them have no limbs and have serious PTSD and substance abuse issues, depression and a major suicide epidemic all because of the Rumsfeld's of this world. You go to war with what you have making believe that they were blindsided and that they didn't know about it years in advance. The PNAC plan, at least they could have sent our guys into that warzone prepared. The other thing is that nobody is going to come close to taking out our current Potus- That is why he has the best detail known to man, you cant leave it up to the Secret Service look at what they did to JFK- Lets put it this way in todays world we have details that are set up in more of an offensive capacity with Delta operators for starters. That is why I never listened to AJ when he stated that our Potus was at a high level threat risk assessment.
   Speaking of AJ what do you think about how these media outlets make him out to be a tin foil hat and do parodies of him? They are jealous and imitation is the highest form of flattery, they know that they don't have the brass balls of the real AJ- He has guts and those other outlets don't because they would never even come close to having the courage to divulge what he has over the years. He never made believe that he was the final authority on anything intel wise either, this makes him even more human and humble. Instead of speaking truth to power they just criticize. In other words if somebody was a straight shooter they would state "AJ- he is pretty smart and gets a lot of great intel, I don't care if he is hooked in to Stratfor or not if he is that is even better because he knows what he is talking about. He gave us vaccine intel, GMOs told us about Fluoride in the water what have these other cowards done, I rest my case." 

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