Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dollars And Cents

Peter asked his dad why more Americans aren't upset that good old Uncle Sam assassinated our President?  "Who killed the Kennedys when after all it was you and me"- There is no Sympathy for the devil that is just the world works. The cia makes up lies all the time, infact that is why they were created. Now here it is 55 years later and they just tried  coming out with more bs that releasing formally classified JFK documents would potentially hamper National Security. They hide behind a cloak of National Security when the entire time they have  been a con job to begin with.
  Most people weren't even born yet so how are they supposed to have a visceral connection to what happened in yesteryear? This was all set up by design, divide and conquer, keep the masses dumbed down and distracted while controlling them with psychotropics and high stress jobs for little or no pay. Its like the Original Sin scam where we are all supposed to feel guilty just for being born. And if we ask any questions about events that don't seem to quite add up then watch out this is when the lighting bolts  of holy hell reign down on us and unleash thunderous roars from the highest off  all heavens. Do you think anybody really cares that rogue operatives assassinated our president, that was 55 years ago and most people who remembered it are either dead are about to die from old age. Good Old Uncle Sam plays the role of God- That is why the dollar bill states In God We Trust- But there is sympathy for the devil, infact many of these higher ups are into the occult and are flat out Lucifarians. Do you think their will ever be justice in this world dad? Not in my lifetime and probably not yours. Their is too much at stake to let all of the cats out of the bag. For example we can set up teams to try to take out these Lucifarians but we are the ones that will probably lose in the end, this has all been set up that way as well. What we resist persists, there is a chance we can take them out but we will probably lose too many good men in the process. Look at the track record thus far- JFK,RFK Martin Luther King, Pat Tillman and many more witnesses including the 9-11 cover up victims. Peter told his dad that he felt dumb and naïve for believing that a bearded man from a cave thousands of miles away would set up a scenario to take out the Twin towers and then proceed to have them implode by only jet fuel. You weren't dumb just innocent there is a big difference. Nobody would want to believe that as Americans we would plan an attack on our own soil to just start major wars of imperialistic hegemony. Only seasoned war vets and profiteers can see the rationality behind it.
   So what is Afghanistan all about then dad? Its about domination and drug profits. Its all about the dollars and cents, the cia and most of their affiliates on Wall Street are nothing more then war profiteers and robber barons. They will probably keep that Afghanistan war going on until the end of time when ever that may be. The Neo-cons love war and they love making money its that simple, their isn't much we can really do about it.  We need to keep the Military Industrial Complex revved up and in high gear that is the name of the game. Stress hormones- three dimensional- bellicose and ferocious this is the American Way. If there aren't real threats then we will just have our cia make them up and then proceed to place a plethora of state actors on the payroll. Besides why would we want to go after our own guys- we don't need another civil war, we lost too many good people already  

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