Thursday, October 12, 2017

Hell In A Bucket

"That is the other reason why I think of addiction as the sacred disease. When my AA friends get together, we often come to conclude that very probably, God deliberately created the disorder of alcoholism in order to create alcoholics, in order that these alcoholics might create AA, and thereby spearhead the community movement which is going to be the salvation not only of alcoholics and addicts but of us all"pg-150 Science and Spirituality do mix and this is what the New Age of Aquarius is all about. It is hitting this country like a freight train at well over 100 mph. I realized that more then ever when I learned about Dr D's quantum Fields. Dr Peck explains how cults work and about the evils of compartmentalization.
   Dr Pieczenik stated the shooting in Vegas was a total hoax where nobody died. Dr P should be our Potus, he would be able to do this low profile and way under the radar. He had a minor conflagration with Alex Jones on Sept 11, basically telling him that Jones needed to put his ego in the ashtray. My question is why does Jones need 75 employees? He is getting as big as main stream news but he still isn't going for the jugular. Why wasn't he allowed to state the truth about Sandy Hook, he backed down when our country needed him the most. This just proves what Dr P was referring to on Sept 11 and what Dr Peck stated in reference to the evils of compartmentilation. Jones made it to the big leagues as a truth seeker and teller, he tells us just enough truth so that we will always watch but then totally flakes out when it comes to seal the deal. The same thing is happening with this Shelly The Machine smoke and mirrors charade in Sin City. Our Potus is buds with Shelly The Machine so how much does he know about what really happened during this event? We all know that the official narrative doesn't add up because it never does. Jones just wants to put on the dog and pony show and have everybody chase their tale because nobody ever gets in trouble anyway. That is why I  think Judicial Watch isn't exactly on the up and up. They seek donations for investigations that were bound to fail and set up from the very beginning as a hoax.
   That is why Dr P cut through the chase to tell us the way it really is, how refreshing it is to have Dr P as the leader of our free nation when we need somebody like him the most. Jones has hit a lot of home runs over the years but still falls short of proving to me that he is the real deal. Why go back and fourth with this Vegas shooting because we all know it was set up as a hoax to begin with. AJ couldn't seal the deal when Meghan Kelly asked him if he thought that children really died during Sandy Hook why is that? Now his show is as big as main stream news and he has 75 employees so what does this really say? AJ is not that much different then main stream news. Why cant main stream news interview Dr P because inquiring people want to know? Our Potus can prove that he isn't really part of the deep state by tweeting that all of our mass shootings are total hoax false flag con jobs set up by the cia and maphia. They have the fbi and main stream media go along with it and then proceed to steal a lot of money with raised donations for the poor and suffering victims. Not to mention all of the kickbacks they will receive from anti gun legislation and mental heath awareness scams. Our country is continuing to go to hell in a bucket with an opiate epidemic and horrible crisis actors that continue to try to manipulate our emotions. At least the Grateful Dead enjoyed the ride    

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