Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Mobsters In Pin Stripe Suits Fraud scam artists con jobs especially Snopes who is supposed to be an objective investigative tool especially for the gullible and the innocent. The FBI is a criminal organization that should have been disbanded long ago way before that neurotic named JE Hoover became the director. The Pinkertons knew how to investigate and infiltrate and they were a privatized firm. This means that peoples contempt for independent investigative techniques and firms are not based in total and complete fact. The FBI is supposed to stand for fidelity bravery and integrity so why are they releasing recently unsealed documents of that cia photo shop spook that  never even existed? These people are pathetic, they need to be eliminated especially the FBI field office who gave Wolfgang Halbig the run around. They killed some witnesses including that Milford cop if I were to surmise because they have to keep one of the biggest crimes of the century from completely getting exposed. Their is a new sheriff in town and he was elected to the highest office of the land. The FBI is supposed to represent the supreme law enforcement agency that enforces  the supreme law of  land, unfortunately they are a bunch of criminals and gangsters.
   The establishment frauds like Obama and his partner in crime Eric Holder went to a town better known as Newtown and this false flag DHS drill was planned years in advance. They raised money for non existent victims and refused to fully comply with FOIA requests. How our politicians like Gov Malloy and many more can stand behind this joke of a school shooting is quite disturbing to say the least. Frontline is also supposed to be an investigative educational experience but they have been towing the party line just like the rest of them. The History channel did the same thing with the JFK assassination but now the American people have had enough. This Las Vegas shooting with more witnesses ending up dead is going to be the beginning of the end for these mobsters in pin striped suits. The JFK file is going to be unsealed and then these Rico perps are imminently going to start to fall like domino's. How the FBI can get away with pages and pages of egregious fraud  bs just shows how far down these establishment cronies have taken this country down. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes big changes are definitely on the horizon. It all started with our collective conscious and the fact that group think and spiritual principles have been uniting us far and wide. We will ultimately destroy these dark forces, The People Of The Lie- The Sandy Hook vampires and all of their underground tunnels and satanic rituals are soon going to go down in smoke and flames. Whether its sig sauers, flash bangs or hand grenades these people are going to be toast. Yale University and  the rest of these con artists, they are going to have the spiritual light beamed right down and into their dark souls just wait and see. Using little children as pawns to perpetuate a sick and twisted gun grabbing mental health awareness agenda will reverberate from one continent to the next and then we will see what collective conscience can really do.  Mental Health Awareness scams and big pharma congressional lobbyists they are all going to go down in smoke and flames as well. If they don't go down in smoke and flames they are going to sink to the bottom of the ocean just like the Titanic just wait and see. The biggest drug dealers in the country are making up false diagnosis on innocent people and then receiving kickbacks for mental illnesses that never even existed. It has all been a creation of these mobsters in pin stripe suits

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