Saturday, October 28, 2017

Your Vibe Is Your Tribe I have come to realize that it doesn't matter if I don't write  warrior poet sonnets or set out to shake up the currents with my writing. Extemporaneous with no agenda is the name of the game. I am inspired by Dr D and his Quantum fields- Quantum- The Future Of Everything- A Look Ahead- The Wall Street Journal- I have learned that we all have a frequency who's energy can actually be measured during meditation. I have learned this morning about Flow State flow energy and that your tribe is your vibe-                       Its tough to remember it all that is why its good for me to write it down and take notes and then integrate it into a blog.  Its important to not look down on somebody unless you are leaning over to pick them up. I have learned that everything in connected in threes- (mind- body- spirit)- (father- son- holy- spirit) (id- ego- super ego) the list goes on.  Evolution creates stress hormones  survival of the fittest materialism 3 dimensional fear based that leads to sickness, neuroses, cancer, alcoholism, drug addiction the list goes on. In Navaho consciousness although they have high alcoholism they have a sense of community and spirit, they lift up their tribe when they are down and out. That is why sober homes make sense because its communal and that is what a Utilitarian happy and healthy society is based on.  Our Potus just declared another opiate emergency- Solution based Holistic measures Quantum frequencies alpha brain wave patterns. Beta waves are the life I was living even in  recovery focused on negativity and addicted to negative thoughts even without provocation, this is not beneficial for health and happiness. Dr D. can and will change the world as we once knew it by letting us know that we don't have to hit rock bottom or even be an alcoholic or drug addict in order to have a transformative experience. He wants to bring this solution based mindset for all, to revolutionize our future just by thought alone. To show gratitude and thanks for an event that hasn't occurred yet as well as to give thanks and blessings for the current moment, this is the way it works
   In 2009 after a 3 month MBS experience I felt inspired to create a web site called Karma Quest- It didn't work out that well because I received a DWI 10 weeks later and ended up in jail for 6.5 months however at least the pure intention was there. By combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion of joy and love, this can and will change the world that we currently live in.  Holistic treatment modalities are going to replace the medical profession as we once knew it as well just by our thoughts alone.

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