Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Game On

Peter was contacted by some of the Black Cell members in reference to if and when he was coming back. All of them knew full well that what they were doing was illegal drug running etc. The top kingpins of this cartel view these people as expendable useful idiots that were all going to go down eventually anyway. They are selling their soul to Satan by contributing to this massive opiate epidemic all under the phony guise of keeping America safe.
  Word got back that their days might be numbered and this is when one of the operators told Peter that he had a problem with what he was doing as far as exposing the corruption. Peter retorted- "You have a problem with what I am doing that sounds like its your problem and not mine." "So if you are basically telling me that you are now going to try to make it my problem then that's fine- Game On"
   Peter asked his dad if they really took out JFK. Yes son they really did, they have no honor. At least the Japanese Emperors and all of his soldiers would rather suffer death before dishonor. They actually either took themselves out or had their fellow soldiers do it with beheadings, just like Flags of our Fathers and Letters to Iwo. Pearl Harbor was probably a false flag, they assassinated  our President so the war mongers could escalate the war in Vietnam as well as the Middle East. The Gulf Of Tonkin, The USS Liberty these people are cowards and criminals. The bankers love war because they weren't and aren't the ones fighting it only making the money off of the foot soldiers misery. They sit around with double and triple diamond protection details but all that is going to change much sooner rather then later. I am not sure what to make of our new Potus, sometimes I wonder if those are his own Tweets or if he has ghost writers telling him what to say or write. I really hope that he is his own man and not influenced by these frauds that ran the GWOT war propaganda machine. Like that actor that was on 60 minutes the other day. He made believe that he infiltrated radical Islam and almost stabbed one of the bad guys in the eye with a pen. Their are some bad guys out there however and sometimes people really do die. 
    "Our Potus was considering some guy with ties to organized crime as our next drug zhar are you serious? When are we going to have people that are clean that know how to really infiltrate the top king pins? Its all selective prosecution, they arrest some drug dealers while letting the big fish slide all the way in to home plate. The top notch DEA whistleblower was demoted and forced off the job for doing his job doesn't this trend sound familiar? Big Pharma has distributors that act as their drug dealers by filling our streets with pills especially in Appalachia country. Michael Levine infiltrated the most dangerous organization around La Corporicon-The  General Motors of cocaine overseas and risked his life while working deep cover for the DEA only to get major interference from cia. These stories never really seem to go anywhere. He wrote a few books but people don't read because America is completely dumbed down and distracted and that is just the way they like it. Its all going to come to a screeching halt much sooner rather then later just wait and see".    

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