Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A New Renaissance

Idolatry never worked and it never will. That is why I was so let down over the years by peoples behavior and actions. Spirituality must come from deep within regardless of ones external environment. The great spiritual mentors understood this however they never wanted to be put up on a pedestal. These people never really used the word god that much either. They want us to read through the lines. I am very impressed with Dr. Joe Dispenza, it appears that Science isn't dead after all.
  After reading Deepak Chopra's book about God one quote stood out to me- "Science without religion is lame religion without science is blind" The spiritual greats are telling us everything that we need to know. Dr Joe D. breaks the potential for life change down into layman terms because I never did that great in Earth Science or mathematical equations.  I wouldn't want to see the grade I would have received in Quantum Physics either. That is because the intelligentsia has a tendency to be arrogant, many of these people want to hoard the secret sauce. Dr D. combines science and spirituality in a way that is quite fascinating to say the least. The knowledge that he presents to the layperson such as myself has convinced me that we have the potential to experience a "New Renaissance." The reason why the highest of all higher ups have been giving stress instead of experiencing it themselves was because they already had the concepts of The Secret but wanted to keep it all for themselves. This is why their world has been crumbling down all around them, this is not how The Secret works long term. After watching the movie and reading the book I knew that there was something there. I had to dig deeper, this is when I came across Dr D. on the internet. He isn't trying to hoard anything, infact we can catch his vibe just by watching a few of his youtube videos.
  Basically he takes The Secret and Tony Robbins to an entirely new level above and beyond and into the potentiality of  experiencing the 5 dimension. It makes sense to me, he states that in order to experience life change it will take a lot more then just thinking positive. The reason for this is because we can think positive all that we want but if we have been living under stress and survival mode and the 7 deadliest negative thought patterns that go along with these stress hormones we will just experience more of the same. We must rise above our external environment through meditation, visualization and clear intention. When one combines a clear intention and mixes this with an elevated emotion this leads to opening up the heart and soul. This way our conscious mind will catch the negative subconscious thoughts, feelings and emotions that have permeated our mind and body our entire lives. He is basically stating that it is quite possible to rewire our mind through this continued and ongoing process. The reason for this is because nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together, this is known as the Hebbian Law of repetition. We need to internalize this as if it has already taken place, this is the electromagnetic field of the mind and body merging together as one. Intellectualizing this from a distance isn't going to work for me either, progress not perfection. The thoughts are the electric field and feelings are the magnetic. Newtonian Law has focused on the mind and body as being separate entities, ie-cause and effect. Dr D's Quantum law proves to us that we can cause the effect just by our thoughts alone. Eckert Tolle explains this as well through gratitude and humility. We need to strive for feeling whole already and be able to separate our life from our life situation. We need to feel abundance and wealth before we will ever have a chance to take this to the next level. The only way the world will ever change is by first changing oneself.  

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