Friday, October 6, 2017

More God Less Greed

Divide and conquer tactics may work in the short run but not long term. When we are in a constant state of Orwellian type warfare this is when one crashes and burns. Utilitarianism is the answer through peaceful and passive resistance. The reason there has been so much division over the years is due to divide and conquer tactics. Hierarchies and Pyramids are the problem, this doesn't benefit humanity as a whole. Infact this is what perpetuates a constant state of un ease, anxiety and tension.
  Dr D explains that when the majority of like minded people take their power away from the hierarchies and higher ups this will be very threatening, this is what will cause their imminent collapse. Nationalism is ok but not when one goes overboard with demagogues who sprinkle star dust, fairy tales and blind loyalty toward the pyramid leaders. Nationalism doesn't really work long term either because this is still us vs them SS Volkswagen type divide and conquer tactics. Preserving the human race as a whole is the answer regardless of what country one is from.There is a problem when their aren't even jobs for the homeless people on the street. There should be an abundance of jobs for people with decent wages and training programs not dog and pony show tactics filled up and fueled up with carnival clowns, charlatans rubes and flakes. This will be a bottom up phenomenon, the implosion wont be experienced from the top down. This means that the higher ups on top of the pyramids and hierarchies are going to come crumbling down. War isn't the answer either, lets face it when was the last time war benefited our society as a whole? The fat cat bankers made a fortune but the last time the United States really won a war was WW 2. This means that we need more god and less greed. When one is trapped within the egoic mind this is what has caused societies downward spiral. Dollar chasing stress hormones, keep up with the Jonesers the list goes on. This is why I knew that show Survivor was an example of what is wrong with our culture. The best people were getting ousted through subterfuge and undermining tactics. Manipulative, petty and pathetic individuals have risen to the top of these pyramids and hierarchies because they knew how to play the game. Empowerment and spirituality is the answer not survival of the fittest lowball dirty tactics where one is tripping their comrade in arms for no other reason except that he/she is a direct threat.
    It has been a proven fact that the happiest people are the ones that live in a communal utilitarian world where one feels that they are contributing to the greater good and betterment of society as a whole. I could never figure out why and how so many people have been fascinated by the kings and queens faux nobility etc.. The top 0.5 % of the hierarchies control 99.5% of the worlds wealth, Gordon Gekko explained that to us. We need a future with stability and promise not necessarily greed, avarice and riches. Our Potus stated that he was going to make some big changes. I feel some faith  and hope that he will come through for us because I believe that his rapid ascension happened for a valid reason, maybe a serendipitous one.

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