Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fight Against The Force Entropy

This is the story of a young Marine named Peter from the Beltway Bandit section of town. He wanted everything their was to be about becoming a warrior with no easy shortcuts. That is why he enlisted right after 9-11 even though he was well qualified to go the OCS route. He went all the way in- Fast Teams, Recon, multiple deployments, OCS  and everything else in between. He wanted to be a Scout Sniper as well but actually became an attrition casualty along with many of his classmates.
  His dad worked for the Agency but they never did talk about this all that much. Peter didn't know anything about how the world really worked, he was compartmentalized, a proud and  pure soul and very sheltered. One day Peter was approached by a sharp dressed man and was asked  if he knew what OGA stood for. He said no sir I don't. The sharp dressed G-man said that he wanted to recruit Peter to a team called Black Cell. He couldn't wait, he asked if it would be as a contractor, he was told yes and that the pay would be great. It didn't take long before Peter was indoctrinated into the black ops side of the GWOT- He was involved with teams that protected and ran opiate crops, were into Lithium deals, enhanced interrogation techniques better known as torture, arms trafficking, human trafficking the list went on. This is not what he signed up for that is for sure. He couldn't wait to take these rogue operatives to places they should have been a long time ago. The only problem was that their was no real chain of command in Black Cell. He went to an OGA shrink who basically told him that he needs to keep quiet otherwise he will soon have no conscience memory of the past 2 years, the time he spent learning and living the deep and dark world of Black Cell. Peter asked the psychiatrist if he knew who his father was, he neither confirmed nor denied. After the third shrink session the doctor basically told him that what he was reporting was not based in reality and was more then likely a dream. He also basically told him that he had a lot of Transference issues form childhood that he needed to work out as well.
  Peter couldn't wait to see his father in person because this is when he was going to blow the whistle to the highest of all rooftops on these rogue operatives. It was fortunate that the shrink didn't introduce Peter to the Tavastock Skull And Bones section of the office because he still seemed to  have all conscience memory. Peter never really talked to his dad about what he actually did but was able to figure out that the various projects that he was working on over the years were just fronts for the Agency. Anyway Peter let it all out and held nothing back. His dad stated "I was waiting for you to come to me- I just needed you to find out how the world really worked on your own without me coddling you. Things definitely aren't what they seem. We have all of the dark ops teams that are into war crimes and dope running's intel. We know exactly what they have been up to. Our politicians are as dirty as they come, they are cowards and don't do a dam thing except lie, receive kickbacks and participate in blackmail and off shore money laundering schemes. Their are good teams and bad teams depending on how you look at it. Either way this is a war of the worlds that goes all the way back to Jesus Of Nazareth. They took him out, hijacked the churches and then proceeded to take out all of our Mystics and Astrologists. After all of this they then proceeded to try to convince us  that the earth revolves around the sun, their sign of power. They are straight out Lucifarians and have no empathy toward human life. Do you know what a false flag is Peters dad asked? No dad I don't what is that? Do you know why Pat Tillman really died- well its along those same lines."
    "His dad told Peter that he was now effectively off Black Cell and was going to be working with him exclusively and with all of his guys. Our teams are equipped to handle what is coming down the pipeline. You have been feeling a lot of interference because of what their end game is. The Age of Pisces is  moving into The Age Of Aquarius and they are trying to disrup every minute of it. They have pychotronics, they rig all of the markets as well and that is why and how they were able to stage Sandy Hook. They are known as People Of The Lie and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, the NWO, the actual enslavement of humanity, and not just within the USA".
      "They took out JFK and staged a false flag on 9-11 and that is when their agenda really accelerated. We have sig saurs, flash bangs and hand grenades. But more importantly we have humint operators, we have people on our side that are on their PSD details so they literally have no where to hide. This is going to get ugly and that is why I needed you to earn your stripes first."  

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