Thursday, October 26, 2017

Conversations With God

"Most of the New Testament writers never met or saw Jesus in their lives. They lived many years after Jesus left the earth. They wouldn't have known Jesus of Nazareth if they walked into him on the street"-pp-67-  Neale Donald Wasch- idolatry- pedagogues- demagogues, tyrants, dictators- The establishment church of high council hijacked spirituality and brought in their own form of organized religion and made up stories along the way from what I gather- Any time man gets involved this is what we get as a result- That's why non denominational is the only way to go and that is why Protestants were protesting against this. This is also why we need rebel rousers and iconoclasts to come in to shed light on this truth. Pedophilia within the various churches appears to be real with credible intel over the years to support this. The same can be said for satanic rituals which include human and child sacrifice. Let us move forward and do something about this once and for all. The Rico perps who own mainstream media are culpable in covering up crimes against humanity and this is unforgivable. Credible sources have exposed this type of activity in the alternative media so why isn't anything being done about it? To watch main stream news and the internet based narcissistic divide and conquer themes gets old after a while. When are our investigative journalists going to shed light on what has been going on in the deep underground? This means that many people need to be exposed to our criminal justice system once and for all. So Corey Feldman can talk about this on AJ but nothing will ever happen as far as arresting people? I have read of cases where 20 year olds were arrested for having sex with 15 year old girls, this double standard is disturbing and unacceptable and it needs to end. People need to be forced to start swearing under oath what kind of country do we really live in. Pizza gate the list goes on. Oct 28- "There are homes where fires burn and there is bread, lamps are lit, and prayers are said. Though people falter through the dark and nations grope, With God himself back of these little homes, we still can cope" 24 hours a day 

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