Monday, October 30, 2017

Fueled With Rage

"Quantum computers use quibits, which can be one and zero at the same time. This allows quibits to process far more information than bits for specific tasks- particularly when combined- each quibit doubles a computers power, and this exponential growth creates a dramatically more powerful machine at scale"- WSJ pg-65- The problem is that there aren't enough establishment news feeds that talk about increasing the human being mind potential.
   This was set up by design because AI and much more have many people talking about google playing god. We need to have Dr D's Quantum fields on the cover of the WSJ and Ny Times. I believe that our Potus is going to make revolutionary changes and this Russia meddling is just a distraction. "The Russian dossier" may have been a set up and a creation of the deep state to discredit a President that may shake up the world as we once knew it. The establishment releases JFK declassified files from 50 years ago after most of the perps are already dead. This was  set up by design as well,  it looks as if our Potus has received all of the documents and he doesn't have to wait 6 months. Its no big deal right, rogue operatives within our intel apparatus as well as the mob assassinated our president and we are supposed to be ok with this? How many witnesses  mysteriously ended up dead to cover up this crime? We have establishment cronies like Oreilly that write a book and talk about the crime of the century but refuse to mention that the "official story" never held any weight. Books, movies, sell outs, frauds who knew all along that the single/magic bullet theory was a joke.  If knowing what these people do to further their agenda doesn't or hasn't shaken somebody to their very core then I don't want to know you. Its much easier to point the finger and say "conspiracy theorist" that gives one  the green light to carry on without standing up for the injustice of it all.
    Its like the military in many cases young men join sometimes because they don't have any disciple but real world scenarios are for people that intrinsically already have it. I realized this when I was in college when I stopped playing football. I never suited up, I redshirted but never practiced however I still ran and lifted hard every day on my own afterward.  I didn't need the rigors of people beating up on me anymore that were twice the size. Other people that I knew stopped being in shape as soon as their routine was eliminated. It takes guts to stand up to the establishment- AJ  has been fighting this war and I believe that he is on the right side of it. I will make the same analogy for psychotherapy. Dr Scott Peck stated that 90% of people flake out and not because they don't have the money. Its because they don't have the inner discipline and that they are full of fear. Having fear is ok but take the step anyway because that is faith and that is where character comes into play. Why 90% of the people give in to the dark forces of spiritual entropy is the same reason why they flake out and call other people "conspiracy theorists". If something were true then that would mean that they would  have a moral obligation to stand up and do something about it. Unfortunately most people don't have the guts nor the intellectual curiosity to dig deep and then proceed to get fueled with rage.

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