Saturday, October 7, 2017

Ego Doubling down on wall street has taken out more wanna be big shots then some of our wars. This is when one buys more of one stock or another to compensate for the egregious losses, buying on margin the list goes on. This is when many people decide to jump off the high towers of finance. I equate doubling down to the ego in alcoholics that this article talks about. The ego within individuals that have alcoholism has led to the demise of many drunks as well. Why do we need to identify ourselves as an alcoholic- One of the main reasons is ego, the first step toward total surrender and acceptance and also to be a part of. To be just another bozo on the bus.
  Their is good ego and bad ego- bad ego is putting yourself on top of some sort of spiritual pedestal and by using words like you must should, being pushy, self aggrandizing and the center of attention. Good ego is taking things in stride and accepting life on life's terms. Good ego is I don't expect to set the world on fire by taking my next dot-com public but I still don't want to work at Dunkin Donuts either. Good ego is still applying at Dunkin Donuts in an attempt to be a productive member of society.
  Bad ego is maybe I can take my will back and smoke some weed, surrendering is the beginning of a life long journey that leads to permanent sobriety. All of the rehabs, jails and detoxes are just blips on the radar screen to help one eventually surrender to a power greater then oneself. That is both sides, the disease is much more powerful and so is the higher power, that is why one must get out of the way and put their ego in the ashtray. Once I surrendered this made the process that much easier however their are still different levels of surrendering. I have since learned that negative thought patterns create stress hormones which could very easily lead back to self medicating. This is because these stress hormones are addictive and self defeating. Self righteous anger, false pride, today I would much rather be happy then to be right all of the time. At the very least negative thought patterns will lead to me to being a dry drunk, behavior which would make it nearly impossible to ever be happy or to lead a relatively drama free life.                                                    

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