Monday, October 23, 2017

Dark Nights Of The Soul

Peter ended up having many dark nights of the soul. He couldn't believe what his father told him, actually he believed every word of it because his dad would never lie to him especially about something of this magnitude. Peter asked his dad if he knew about 9-11  before it actually happened. His dad basically told him that he had speculations but no definite proof. It was an event that was so spectacular that to try to stop it would have been very difficult but maybe not impossible. Either way it happened and here we are 16 years later dealing with the carnage. Peters dad had a security clearance that was so high that many people in the Agency still had no idea who he was. His cover was so deep that only people that needed to know knew about him. He went on to elaborate to Peter- "This GWOT is nothing more then a front for organized crime. They have had their dirty hooks in this game for years and many of his friends have died as a result of it. We are talking about a huge Rico crime cartel that makes billions even trillions of dollars off of subterfuge and deception. Money Laundering, Racketeering, extortion, murder, rape, these people are not who they appear to be.
   "What kind of people would actually plan and execute the assassination of one of our greatest presidents? Some would say that he was the greatest because of what he was trying to accomplish." "They have off shore crime syndicates and powerful banks to launder all of their dirty money. Some of these people were taken down in the early 70s when they were shipping in their dope inside the caskets of dead soldiers coming back from Vietnam including 75% of the NYPD DEA. They became creative with the black ops cocaine cartels and the crack epidemic in the 8o's, these people have their dirty hooks into everything. They wage war by deception and cover and always seem to cover up their tracks by people that somehow mysteriously ending up dead. The latest is the Las Vegas shooting, the worst in US history where reliable witnesses were able to positively identify a second shooter, their lone wolf gunman crazed shooter scam has been going on since even before JFK. One female witness was found dead the other day after posting on social media. The masses are starting to wake up however, they have been in a trance for way too long. They cover their tracks by owning the main stream media outlets and they are the ones responsible for relaying the false information. They are co-conspirators in this major Rico crime syndicate. Its tough to pin them down because they claim that they are just reporting what they are being told because their is so much compartmentalization. To make this even worse they have manipulated every law in the book to suit their own selfish needs and make it appear that some of these mass shootings are nothing more then propaganda events.
    Peter was getting a continuing education degree in how the world really works. His dad went on to elaborate- "They are waging war on humanity itself all across our flat plane with chem trails, con jobs, poison vaccines and plenty of bs to back them up. They have actors on their payroll, some are horrible but some are so good  they would actually pass for Oscar material. This can only mean that Hollywood is in on it, their are syndicates of Langley that train these people in crisis acting as well. They have multiple covers and aliases, it gets to be so frustrating that its tough to keep up with it all. What did you mean by staged Sandy Hook dad? "These criminals  planned a drill and actually had the audacity to make believe that little children were murdered. The school wasn't even open, it was a dilapidated run down asbestos filled wasteland. Their was zero forensic evidence and then they  bulldozed the crime scene after forcing everybody to sign non disclosures. Their actors were so bad on that one it appears that they are blatantly being in our face and brazen that they just don't seem to care anyway. This is how above the law and untouchable these people have become, because they are being protected by this huge Rico crime cartel". Peter couldn't take anymore intel at that moment he was already having way too many dark nights of the soul.                                            

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