Thursday, October 19, 2017

Zany Zealots

"We see dogmatism, and proceeding from dogmatism, we see wars and inquisition and persecutions. We see hypocrisy, people professing the brotherhood of man killing their fellows in the name of faith, lining their pockets at the expense of others, and practicing all manner of brutality. We see a bewildering multiplicity of rituals and images without consensus." pp-197  A Road Less Travelled           
   This is why science hasn't been able to integrate with religion or many of it's various concepts. The reason for this is because modem day religion has been hijacked by dogmatists and zany zealots. We can see how some of these people have acted over the years, evangelists the list goes on. This brings me to a case study of a man named Greg D- He grew up and went to high school in the heart of the bible belt and rejected every minute of it. He ended up going to college with  huge student loans at a liberal arts school that was very much considered to be on the liberal side of the political spectrum. Growing up he always had a sense of awe and wonder but felt somewhat uncomfortable with the bible belt folks. He didn't realize this but in one of his other lives he was an Astrologist and a Mystic dating back hundreds of years. Like most college aged kids he experimented with drugs and alcohol. He wasn't really an addict or so he thought, he just liked to party hard on a regular basis. One night he partied way too hard and ended up getting busted by campus cops with cocaine and mushrooms on him. This was a wake up call after all because he didn't seem to remember that much of it due to one too many mixed drinks.   
   Going through the system during this time was no fun at all, he was expelled even before final adjudication. One of the stipulations was a court ordered rehab that he didn't even have to pay for, he was a poor college student, his parents who divorced a long time ago could barely scramble a few dollars together as well. This was one of the main reasons for the divorce amongst many other things. During this 28 day rehab he had to attend AA and or NA mandatory 5 days a week. He couldn't believe that he found himself in this situation but tried to make the best out of it. He was always a young man of high integrity, a good student athlete. He was good enough to play Div 1 soccer but tore his ACL and meniscus his junior year of high school which essentially downgraded any chance as far as scholarships were concerned. 
   He disliked the AA meetings very much, infact there was a zany zealot who always seemed to rant and rave "that it was the first drink that gets you drunk". As far as being a program of attraction this didn't seem to be working out very well. He didn't even consider himself to be an alcoholic or a drug addict, he was just taking this route so the courts would go easy on him. As soon as he graduated from the rehab he went home to his bible belt stomping grounds and right on over to  his favorite watering hole when he was in high school.
   He was a straight shooter and liked his coffee black just like his soul like his dad used to say. He proceeded to order 4 glasses of vodka and tonic making sure that they went easy on the tonic. He proceeded to pour out the first one while slugging down the next three at a rapid fire pace. "What the hell did you do that for one local stated" Greg shot back that it was those crazy zealots in AA that kept telling him that it was the first drink that gets you drunk so that is why I got rid of the first one.

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