Saturday, September 26, 2015

Building 7

How long does it take to rig a building for controlled demolition? How could Building 7 be rigged in a few hours when the decision to pull it by Silvercrook was ordered? Inquiring people want to know

Lost Count

I lost count on how many open cases there are. I am talking about the ones that have been closed and classified already by cia and all of their partners in crime. I remember Flight 800 and the late Pierre Salinger who swore that he saw a missile take out that jet that plunged into the LI Sound. People thought he was a tin foil hat right? There are hundreds of solid witnesses that have been threatened killed and harassed and been given life time gag orders. These people need to be allowed to testify in the court of law when the case files get ripped open for the plethora of horror stories. Lets see what else Stens jet 2 months after 9-11 and just out of curiosity what was the cia doing classifying JFK juniors investigation? I believe the cia good guy involved in that was almost killed overseas because of what he was sickened by. In other words many times real investigations are conducted but the investigators are told to shut the f up or be killed and then the investigation and final report becomes an entirely different scenario. When you have every single entity and alphabet agency ruled by an out of control mob this is what we have. How about the Flight in Scotland that killed a bunch of Syracuse students what was that one really about? Inquiring people want to know

Pay Pal Scam

Paypal has many fraudulent aspects to it. The fact that they just deleted Wolfgangs account says it all. Didn't that NASA guy found Paypal, somebody correct me if I am wrong? They claim impartial, fair and balanced judiciary process but nothing can be further from the truth. For example there are hard core predators who spend their life finding ways to deceive others and they take advantage of every single loophole there is. Last time I checked sellers on e-bay have very little recourse. This means that somebody can do everything right, get their items authenticated and still get screwed over by scumbags across the flat earth who hide behind international jurisdictions. I am talking about Hermes bags and everything else in between. Don't worry Wolf is going to have plenty of funding for his multiple cases. People are going to be wheel barreling tons of cash to his home, the last thing he needs is Paypal or those other predators Go Fund Me. These are the people that sit on the Board Of Directors on The Council Of Foreign Relations and get off on having multiple aliases like Peter Lanza. Prof Doom is a very solid guy and I have a lot of respect for him. He is definitely somebody you need in your corner because he is great with paper trails protocol and just about everything else when it comes to investigative journalism. He broke that story with GCMAF and this one will go down in the history books. If its true that at least 6 holistic doctors have been Arkansided then there is going to be hell to pay down the road.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Cops Need A Break

Cops need a break because nobody really knows what kind of scenario they have to deal with a lot of the time. I am not going to research the specific details time date etc however there was a firefight in 1999 inside a vestibule with NYPD that caused a huge uproar and race war. There is something called contagion shooting with ricochets that can make it appear that a lot of bullets are coming their way from the bad guys. I love Law and Order SVU and this was displayed in a recent episode with Detective Nick Amaro, this was as realistic as it gets with their great acting. Until somebody has been in the particular situation themselves then it is unjust to rush to judgment. Cops need to be respected for the job that they do day in and day out and unfortunately the only time we ever here what they do is when something makes the news and something bad happens, this isn't a good situation for anybody. 

Must Be Accountable

The people behind doping up our veterans and taking their weapons away need to go to jail. This is how bad of a situation there is. When a solid warrior wants to do the right thing and serve his/her country they get put through the wringer. In other words its like vetting for a security clearance and there is a huge deal for anybody that has ever used any prescription drug. Then after they are used abused and lied to about the real reason they signed on the dotted line it becomes way too late. These scumbags have doped up our vets with drug cocktails that would kill an elephant. What a perfect excuse to take their weapons away when they come back stateside. In essence they went overseas to fight for us and specifically for the second amendment only to have their rights and lives ruined if and when they ever come back. Apparently we have people that pull the strings that get off on this and really like the Hellstorms they have created. How many deployments were our warriors forced to endure for what they thought were legit reasons? It looks like we have people that hate America and what it really stands for isn't this a little obvious? Big Brother is a scam they could prevent so many violent scenarios with the technology they have. Trillions of dollars of stolen money only to play dumb once something bad happens. Oops looks like we dropped the ball on that one therefore we need more funding, how much longer can we really take this kind of abuse?

Big Pharma Scam

Big Pharma is a scam. The name of the game is to keep everybody on the grid doped up on non narcotics and narcotics. I know this because I have been to hell and back, however I have nobody to blame but myself. Big Pharma has gorgeous women supplying doctors with scrips pushing their drug of the day. We are guinea pigs because just listening to the warning labels is enough to make anybody throw up. And then we have Xanax and Ambien that make people go insane and sleepwalk. These are people with no real history of mental disorders. Most md docs etc are definitely in it for the right reasons and I believe that they were taken by surprise by the real malevolent motive for a lot of these big pharma operations. These drugs are so addictive even to those with no history of alcoholism or mental illness. Many lives have been lost and ruined already and this is due to the big Pharma scam Racketeering operation. Weed is the only answer but unfortunately that can be abused as well. I felt like I was in Dantes Inferno coming off of Xanax cold turkey and I may have had a shot until I was locked up the next day for a vop. Again this was completely of my own making however I have a lot of experience that can hopefully benefit others

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Save Lives Not Money

I started reading Black Banners again- John Oneill stated that their job was to save lives not money. He got great intel by wining and dining his sources and this rubbed a lot of people that were jealous of him the wrong way. I am not really for that Stand Your Ground Law in Fla. because it makes it to easy to take a life. When I saw that a little kid had a weapon on a bus and just because he was picked on and bullied this made it ok for him to use it in a fight what are you kidding me? Nobody should be carrying weapons around like that especially a little kid what he cant fight his own battles like we used to? I believe that Tasers should definitely be the primary weapon as well because I feel this would have saved Demetrius Dubois- I met him once, He was a great man, Capt of Notre Dame football in the early 90s as a linebacker and then proceeded to play in the NFL. This is a very sad and tragic story. Anyway these high speed militarized Swat raids are bad news. I believe that in Hallandale  they busted down a door with a warrant and took the life of an innocent man that hardly had any dope are you kidding me? This has to stop because this isn't what our country is all about. The rich people who pull all of the strings want to clean up their town? Why don't they find out what is really going on and how people in the inner cities have been victimized by big brother their entire lives. Then they should do something about it by speaking the truth. Heroin coming back in body bags in Nam, crack in the 80s coming from cia black ops Nicaguraga etc.. If they don't speak out and put their money where their mouth is this means that they are culpable in aiding and abetting this race war that we have had for centuries. Deadly force is the absolute last resort, unfortunately many people on both sides- law enforcement as well as the so called bad guys have already lost their lives. Nobody needs to bust down doors like gangbusters for little or nothing this is insane. Very few people are armed and dangerous. Lt Grossman makes this very clear in his book On Killing. It isn't natural to kill there has to be a lot of training and muscle memory to do this correctly. People that go out and get their permit usually aren't trained correctly and unfortunately may use deadly force when it clearly could have been avoided. It is a complex situation when we have an out of control gun snatching govt hell bent on disarming the public with their false flags operations, I understand this. Most Leos are more then indignant about the current situation that is why we must all try to find a peaceful resolution. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Gravity Scam

The first question I had when a trusted source told me that the world may be flat was that guy in what 1963? He allegedly jumped from 100 miles high or something to that effect? It showed the curve of the earth. Well apparently Go Pro Lenses and Free Mason Hand signals were what they were really all about. Jeranism did a test with a Nano Laser and I  trust him any day of the week. I trust absolutely nobody in any main stream news organization. How big of a lie could this really be? This one looks like the biggest lie of them all. These Nasa spokespeople are pathetic and so arrogant. If they say its true then it must be right? How many trillions of dollars are abused by Nasa and the only thing they can show us are cgi photos form 1973? How pathetic is that? Where are the real pics from the real satellites and Hubble telescopes that is what I am many other inquiring people want to know?

Just Wondering

I was just wondering how many people in our mass main stream media knew 9-11 was coming? Well for starters BBC told us that building 7 was down when it was still clearly visible in the background. How many people on Wall Street because their were put options placed on American Airlines. I clearly remember Sean Hannity telling the world that Hussain more then likely had his fingerprints all over 9-11? Failure of intel agencies is that what it really was? A lot and I mean a lot of people were told not to go in that day and this also includes many people that were told not to fly as well. I wonder if CNN knew what was up? The only thing I know for certain is that Anderson Cooper turned James Tracys life into a living hell when he questioned Sandyhook. The only thing that saved James Tracy was the fact that he has tenure otherwise I am certain his life would have been absolutely ruined like they have to countless other innocent people. Let us show gratitude to James Tracy because he really is a hero and one of the smartest guys I ever had the privilege of reading about. If anybody wants a definition of what good cia is supposed to be then check out www.memoryholeblog  

Everybody Must Unite

Matt Powell from Canada the Nasa artist please unite with Eric Dubay. Shill no shill I don't really care the only thing I know for sure is that we need every swinging dick possible for this Antartica mission and this means a lot of advance work. This is a serious mission and it isn't for weaklings because I have a lot of respect for both Matt and Eric Dubay. Let us lock in tight and get ready to roll because many people before me have been waiting years and years to prove that our earth really may be flat

Bad News

I am trying to figure out if the LIRR  massacre in 1993 was a false flag operation. The only thing I know for certain is that cockroach should have ben sentenced to death. What makes this even worse it that he went Prose in court representing himself. Anyway these Nasa freaks think its ok to fake their death like Christa McAuliffe. There are so many people before me that have conducted  many years of intense investigative journalism. These people are our real hero's and deserve so much respect and credit for the efforts that they have put fourth. The only thing I am doing is reading their work because it certainly isn't mine. I am full of righteous indignation and this is what I bring to the table. I was always horrible with facial recognition and I mean pathetically horrible. That is why our detectives and investigative teams that have to do this for a living are really great at what they do because it definitely isn't easy. Some very smart people have pointed out that the Challenger scumbags are still alive, the ones that allegedly blew up in 1986. Christa McAulliffe the teacher from New Hampshire that was a real gut wrencher wasn't it? How many real Astronauts did these Free Masons kill to cover up their horrific crimes? Am I the only one that is supposed to be extremely upset by this?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

No Other Choice

With all due respect to Jim Dean The Donald is the only hope for our future. He is a patriot at the highest possible level and this comes from his heart and soul- I know this and this comes from my heart and soul. The biggest question I have is how to make sure the gangsters don't rig another election. The Donald doesn't need to kiss anybody's ass that is why he is who he is and that is why he is where he is in life. We need a leader that we can absolutely stand behind and that means to fight and die if need be. When was the last time we really had this in our president?

Evolution Scam

These Nasa geeks have the audacity to ask Donald Trump a question about how great they are w/ all of their Cosmos Mars and moon missions? Evolution is a scam- Intelligent Design is what we really have in this flat earth universe of ours. The name of the game is to keep everybody confused- dumbed down and inferior when we cant quite grasp the esoteric concepts of Trig- Advanced Physics and everything else these Free Mason Pseudo Scientists came up with so they could rule the world. It looks like everything revolves around our flat earth and the sun really isn't 93 million miles away. If everybody is confused and just says yes to whatever bs they throw at us this is why we are in the situation that we are in. It took me many years to accept certain truths this has been the hardest thing I have ever done. Writing about it is the only thing that has kept me relatively sane. The big bang the sun moon and stars is all just a way for these psychopaths to keep us feeling like insignificant cattle. How much is Nasas black hole budget? It resides in Langly wow what a surprise the cia and Nasa are in bed together. I want to set up a team of rock solid demon chasers. A task force of lean mean fire breathing fighting machines that cant wait to be fast roped into Antarctica and I will  be with them. The only weapon I really know how to shoot (not very well) is a glock so that's what I will have. Lets go- We will have plenty of cover and pre assault fire and we will absolutely have Blackhawks not pieces of shit Chinooks. We will have plenty of donations from our people all across our  flat earth because I know how upset they really are as well

Monday, September 21, 2015

Kill The Messenger

It took the cia 7 years to kill Gary Webb after he was forced out of his career by a bunch of inhumane drug smuggling freaks. If anybody doesn't think the media is not complicit in this then I have some Kool Aide for you to drink. Why wasn't Gary Webb offered a mandatory ep detail or some type of witness protection from good cia? I cant take this anymore this has been going on for so many years it has to end. They dirtied up our cities and sent  hundreds of thousands of innocent people to jail w/ their Racketeering crack cocaine operation in the 80s. With crack it doesn't matter who you are or where you came from once you start you are pretty much addicted right away.  Gary Webb was making a modest living, he uncovered one of if not the biggest stories of the decade and what did he get out of it? Stress, humiliation and ultimately 7 years to the day of his resignation an Arkanside. This is as miserable and horrible as it ever gets and this has sent a message to all of our whistle blowers and investigative journalists. Let me tell you something I don't care how much god dam money it cost we need to start protecting our people from now on

I Am Done

I am done with all of these pejorative comments about bw/xe you people are absolutely making me sick. The latest is that bw has been killing for fun since 1997. Nobody kills for fun unless they are flat out sociopaths and this is a very small percentage 3-5% of the population. I believe that Eric Prince was manipulated by a bunch of psychopathic con artists in the Bush Administration. He absolutely was because he even mentioned that what these freaks did to him was worse then what they did to Valerie Plame. Does anybody have a realistic analysis of what kind of pressure his men were under going into the Iraqi quagmire? Who gets the blame when a principle ends up dead? I also believe that they were ambushed in Nissor Square I don't give a flying f what the final report ended up stating. Yes we know about the Lucifarian Free Masons and the Military Industrial Complex but why is everybody blaming bw/xe? The majority of people working in all of our federal agencies are Green Badgers not direct Blue Badger Federal Agents. This means that everybody is a part of it. Black Sites were absolutely not his idea this came directly from the cia based off of a sociopathic mindset of a hardened terrorist w/ no empirical track record. He is a Patriot at the highest level of the spiritual sense. The psychopaths at the top manipulated our soldiers and private contractors and this turned into a feeding frenzy of epic proportions. Waxman shook Prince down and turned his life into a living hell by sending his BATF boys to his complex to confiscate his weapons, wouldn't this piss anybody off? What did bw/xe do wrong? They went into high speed theaters of operation completely undermanned under tremendous scrutiny, it didn't matter what they did right whatever non existent issue they did do was turned into front page news in the New York Times. I am not stating that some contractors didn't go  overboard but this was addressed and the contractors were terminated. Every American was conned manipulated used and abused by this phony hoax war on terror. Eric Prince is all about the safety and security of the American people so you people please stop bad mouthing bw/xe. Gitmo and places like it were horrific examples of how to gain intel, punish and whatever else you disgusting pedophiles do to get off on. This came from way up above and I repeat it had absolutely nothing to do with a particular private military firm. Hey New York Times please start talking about who was really responsible for 9-11 and the PNAC plan and everything else in between

Sunday, September 20, 2015

FBI Cointelpro?

I was checking out a new Extortion 17 book that Pete Shiltilli had on his show this is when I learned about what he did to Vinny Eastwood. Guerilla Marketing that is his that is a very sleazy move. Also recording Gordon Duff And Fetzer during commercial breaks without their knowledge and then letting the world know what was stated that is about as low as you can get. Alternative News media is that what we have? I know Stew Webb is no fan of Shiltilli either. I saw Vinny Eastwood crying because of what you put him through, this has shaken me to the very core, I am a big boy so come at me Shiltilli lets get this war started

Open Letter To All Sell Outs

It doesn't matter what you have stated off the record because the only thing people will ever remember you by is what you did to us. All of your books, magazine articles, blogs, shills, trolls, bots ad infinitum. All of your phony synthetic terrorism, poison vaccines, chem trails and con jobs, fluoride in the water that you ignored as well. You are killing my people and hiding behind trillion are psychopaths that pay mds huge money to legitimize your claims. You are killing our people we the people all across this flat earth. Eric Dubay has 200 proofs so continue to hide behind your cgi photos that are now what  an oblate spheroid? This is an insult to even my 8 year old niece. Ike warned us about you Lucifarian criminally insane psychopaths and this is when NASA was created. You get off on lying, cheating and stealing and we all know that you will never stop, this is why you all need to be eliminated. We never went to the moon so stop the bs because fraud vitiates everything. I have been in a flat out rage for many years. The past two years I have learned about Hegelian- Dialectic- Problem- Reaction- Solution so this has made my rage even worse

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Houston We Have A Problem Nasa- National Academy of Pseudoscience Actors- check out the Occult Roots of Nasa and the Ongoing Fraud- Eric Dubay And Jeranism and many others are brilliant individuals

Monday, July 13, 2015

The Arnold and Donald Era

AJ is right about most things, a few months back he pointed out how the Arnold would be the perfect NWO dictator. I watched the Reelz special on the Arnold and what I allready knew was confirmed. You can see it in his eyes this guy at the very least has NPD- Narcissistic Personality Disorder- I don't remember if it was Sergio or Franco Columbo back in the day but apparently the Arnold pulled a cheap trick during the final pose down, whatever it took to win. NPD is one step away from full blown sociopathy so it definitely isn't to be taken lightly. The Arnold is definitely dangerous however so are most politicians. So what do we have now The Donald,  the only candidate we have. I admire and respect the Donald,-he is a Patriot and I will vote for him if that is the only choice. Hello Democratic party do you not have 1 candidate that is considering running for President? The only issue I have with the Donald is that the Art Of The Deal was a long time ago and times have changed. There are many great things the Donald has accomplished however he made a pejorative comment about the Scotch farmer when he was building his golf course in Scotland. The Donalds mom is a MacLeod- We are from the Isle of Skye- we are simple, proud and agrarian. Knowing how to drink and fight goes without saying, we are barbarians if need be. However farmers are our own people, they don't want riches because they are happy just living off their own land. I am a Scotsman, not some arrogant Waspy Brit- We are from Braveheart territory, fierce, loyal and vicious especially when fighting for our Independence. The problem we have in America is that money destroyed us because it doesn't matter how much you are worth it just matters how you treat others. If you are in a position of power then use it to help people and to make the world a better and safer place for future generations. I trust Trump, he is the only Republican candidate that even comes close to earning my trust. He just needs to stop the how much money I have competition Against Romney because that guy is a clown. I have learned who Mitt Romney really is thanks to Gordon Duffs audio tapes.  

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Body Double Charade

Freaks And Cowards

We have been hijacked by rogue operatives. The entire criminal justice system in the state of Ct has been corrupted. Homicides are all jokes since these perverts have now made it impossible to adjudicate any future homicide cases. All because they had to find a way to cover up for their Sandy Hook Scam. No more FOIAs or appeals. In other words if you don't want a Kangaroo court then move out of Ct but where? I don't know Ct used to be a beautiful place to live. We live in an Agenda 21 theater of the absurd. I cant even watch Investigation and Discovery channel anymore because some of these reenactments have crisis actors that are as bad as Sandy Hook, until I see real forensic evidence then I don't buy that anything ever really happened anywhere at anytime. What other choice is there then when World News is the same exact thing but even worse? It looks like Dylan Roof slipped through the cracks on the FBI NCIS back round check. Make no mistake these people are terrorists and have no problem killing many real people and already have. The only real investigators that I know for certain that are trying to do something about this are not getting the support that they really need so just bring back the Salem Witch Trials. Wolfgang needs support because if SH goes down many others may go down as well. We are dealing with dangerous Lucifarian individuals that hide behind pernicious usury and counterfeiting currency operations. In their world its ok to terrorize the American People with hoax school shootings. Oh Yes the crisis actor from Aurora who goes into great detail about how she was eviscerated this is as twisted and sick as it can possibly get. I don't know what the future holds but it isn't looking pretty. If the real bad guys are the ones at the top then how does one investigate them? This is a major international Rico crime syndicate operating in the US. This means that the FBI should be investigating,  that is their job instead they are the actual perps themselves- how much more pathetic can you really get then this?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Rogue Operative

I was looking for one of the best SH You Tube Vids I have ever seen posted by Rogue Operative but I cant find it now. He shows Shadow Analysis etc.. Very impressive, it was so good they probably took it off and censored it what else is new. He isn't a rogue operative however. After watching Oliver Stones Untold History of the US (parts of it) I was very impressed. I was always impressed by Oliver Stone, he fought in Vietnam. It is excellent especially the parts of the lone wolf hard to believe scenarios in reference to JFK,RFK,MLK etc.. Same old scam. I kind of got sick watching senior Bush making an inference to Sadam in 89 being the next Hitler revisited. The same guy his dad was in bed with, the scams are all the same. I really liked his Vietnam coverage, he showed that McNamara really did have a conscience. His quote "We dropped more bombs in this war then all of WW2 and it still hasn't done a f ing thing" Everybody must watch the (Fog of War) McNamara goes into great detail about how nobody actually ever knew what they were fighting for on both sides even many years later. The Domino effect- the big war plan scam. As the American people got sickened by the actions of our government and high body counts coming back home this was the time to bring in Nixon who actually increased the bombing and the escalation of the Vietnam War. This led to him winning the peace prize are you kidding me? This is the world we live in and it still hasn't changed. I don't know where we would be right now without real Investigative Journalism- This country would be under the ocean  now steamrolled by thugs and tyrants. Real men like Fetzer, Duff, Veterans For Truth etc.. and all of the other truther spin offs have been able to slow down their take over plan, it is no longer a secret. In a world gone completely insane by Cartoon Clowns as Republican candidates combined with the Dylan Roofs and Adam Lanzas of this world let us all be grateful for the few and the proud real men left out there. Also Ken Okeefe that guy is for real. I heard his 2 hour interview the other day. He took care of business against some serious IDF Commandos and disarmed them and still showed restraint. He didn't kill them because he wanted to send a message. He had the moral high ground, let us honor our men that actually do the right thing for a change

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Men In Black

Israelis make the best spys, they have all the files that go way back. All of our foreign espionage fronts are backed by some heavy hitters. When the men in black come to your door to ask questions about a potential recruit that just happens to be your neighbor, friend or associate  they really are looking for the future players that might be able to "play ball"- Dr  Preston James explains they for at the very least want to recruit a narcissist. This will be perfect for them because then all the perks start coming their way. As long as they continue to have zip lock mouths then their extra curricular activities that they were set  up with and of course " was on tape wont be made public" If that doesn't work then they try the coolaide junkets with all local and federal leos- I talked to a cool aide junket guy he told me that we have to train to get ready for the bad guys who may infiltrate the US. We have some very weird people that were recruited into our intel agencies. Remember Robert Hanson? He was the FBI mole who had the highest level security clearance who was responsible for weeding out the bad guys in the FBI- it turned out he was the bad guy. Hanson was overlooked because of  9-11 a few months later however I read the book and saw the movie. I believe Chris Cooper did an accurate job in playing this Dracula moribund mole. Apparently our bad guy spys are triple agents for both Israel and Russia KGB- Jonathan Pollard etc I  have learned  a great deal by reading Gordons Duffs material.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Illuminati Competition Apparently Alex Jones was spreading the fearporn about Y2K before the turn of the century- Was that a legit concern? I don't really know but when the average person only relies on mainstream media for intel  having somebody like Jones come out and speak out against Tyranny, NWO etc. his claims can appear to be very legit. I relied on Jones for intel and  received a great deal. If you have feds and others in the system that are sworn to secrecy then where can you find out if and when our world is about to blow up? One has to do the best they can with the info that is presented and disseminate it as much as possible, that is the only answer. Most of the time the info is at least partially correct. I will never fully trust a shill for the NWO and fearporn in the alternative news circle is just as bad as the color coded DHS/FBI fearporn  they hammered us with post 9-11 every day. Green- Yellow- Orange, Blue what a scam. We always had to be worried about something blowing up by the evil terrorists. Now we have a red alert about ISIS blowing things up over Independence Day, supposedly the highest alert since 9-11. I like Alex Jones but I don't trust one of his go to guys Mark Dice, he doesn't seem legit- His on again off again relationship with Jones competition  for Illuminati knowledge, pointers, fans and followers seems to be predicable. I will never forget Dice interviewing some college kids etc.. He didn't come across as credible, sincere or trustworthy. Anyway he is supposed to be an authority on the Illuminati and even wrote a book about it. Jeff C from Media Solidarity a Canadian is a man that I respect and trust- He seems to have Alex Jones and Mark Dices number 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

FBI Terror Scam

After reading VTs article about Gov Christies Ft. Dix FBI terror scam it reminds me of my initial reaction of this new alleged ISIS recruit Justin Sullivan. The entire story looks like a complete joke. OK even if this kid did have visions of killing innocent people what resources and training did this 19 year old have access to? Is this enough info to turn this into a major world news story? It was on the evening news, this kid in the background while his father was on the phone with 911. It sounded so fake this country is really going down the tubes. Imagine working for the FBI in the fake manufactured terror division? JTTF- What an insult to anybody that would ever consider working for our country as a federal agent in what should be an honorable profession. I think about our politicians like Christie and many others and I get physically ill. Ft Dix was the highlight of his career- wow what a man. I would rather be scrubbing urinals then to be part of a FBI Rico scam. It looks like the Boston Marathon bomber is all set to be executed stated by federal guidelines. How do these Feds even live with themselves? What will they tell their grandkids "I worked for the FBI making up bull shit terror plots along with scumbag criminal informants all in an effort to pysop the American people to ultimately take away their weapons and their rights?" Fidelity- Bravery- Integrity?, Not really I have learned a lot over the years about what our FBI directors are really all about and I am not a fan to say the least. The best was when the FBI field office in Ct told Wolfgang that Sandy Hook is classified and that he will never have access to these files in his lifetime due to "National Security". What was the FBI even doing investigating a school shooting in Ct? It appears that FBI and DHS is even more evil then the CIA if that is even possible. Fetzer stated that it is mostly DHS and FBI involved in these False Flag hoaxes.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

MK Ultra False Flag Spook Everybody must read Fetzers article. "Shouldn't the church members been suspicious by somebody who looked like a recent grad of the MK Ultra Academy-" I couldn't stop laughing- keep up the great false flag work Dr Jim Fetzer your work has really made a difference- I have never read about anybody that does as much follow up work as Jim Fetzer, he works very hard- Not only does he write books but he actually follows up and does everything he can to at the very least make other people aware. He knows that the system is a despicable fraud but he charges ahead anyway. In other words he writes to all the people that could possibly make a difference. A perfect example is the Boston Marathon False Flag- He was doing his best to be included as an expert witness w/ Nathan Folks etc.. Suppression of evidence etc.. Fetzer has courage and is highly intelligent. I believe that he may be the founding father in the field- " clandestine expert research -subject- False Flag Terrorism". People may have been laughing at him in the very beginning calling him a conspiracy quack but not anymore. He backs up his claims- Good luck going up against Fetzer in any type of debate. I know that he went up against Michael Collins Piper about Sandy Hook. With all due respect to the late Collins Piper I believe that the man developed heart problems before the last scheduled debate. I don't know what to make of Pipers death. The only thing I can say is that he was playing ball. I believe that he was actually making the argument for children really being killed so why would Mossad end up killing him if he was playing ball? It was however a suspicious death to go along with the Milford police officer- I am not buying a suicide in this tragic case with all due respect to the community as well as to the grieving family members

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Black Ops Manifesto

I give the mobsters some credit, at least they have a live body to blame the church shooting on this time around unlike good old Adam Lanza. So they want to start a race war what else is new? I am under the impression that even the mobsters don't know what their end game is. Whether it is ramped up signature drone strikes based off of actionable intel rather then definitive with only sigint and zero humint, it is all the same. Collateral damage- These weirdo's have no respect for human life. Remember I stated "watch out for those Manifestos they are usually a dead giveaway for a black ops rogue intel agency false flag?" It looks like this kid had all types of twisted visions in his Manifesto. What makes this even worse is that an FBI profiler was giving her two cents about the Manifesto yesterday on the web. I believe that more people should be upset by this kind of deceit. The media, even Fox news is complicit in the scam this is definitely not a surprise. Maybe there is compartmentalization in the news agencies as well,  maybe they don't really know what is going on however I doubt this especially the way Bo Dietl was acting. I just read The Dark Side of Camelot- Seymour Hersh. I am sorry but I don't care what JFK did in his personal life, it is my assumption that the book has a limited hangout character assassination agenda. JFK was our greatest president, we wouldn't be dealing with this garbage if they didn't murder him and everybody else who didn't play ball. It appears our new Attorney General is playing ball just like Holder did with all types of guaranteed millions to be sent directly to the victims families right away. Wait a minute doesn't the kid need his day in court first? Wolfgang stated that even Adam Lanza deserved his day in court even in absentia isn't this the American way? Take down the Confederate Flag?- No, more like take down and get rid of the false flags you pathetic and twisted freaks

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Church Charade Shooting

What was with the victims family members talking about forgiveness etc.. at the bond hearing? This is highly suspicious. The state of SC apparently allows this but when was the last time this ever happened? This type of scenario is usually reserved for sentencing and allocution purposes only not for a bond hearing to be plastered  all over lame stream news. Not buying it- That kid and the entire event looks really fake. What happened to Habeas Corpus? Just because the kid allegedly admitted to the shooting does this mean he is definitely guilty? Bringing in family members to grieve and to make statements during a bond hearing is a huge red flag along with many other obvious indicators. I don't feel like going through any more however because I am sick of these clowns and their charades 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

28 Pages And Church Shooting  Just out of curiosity why is Rand Paul looking like the good guy now sugar and spice and everything nice meaning wanting to expose the 28 pages? Wasn't Rand outed already as Bibis and AJs go to guy? What is that all about, limited hangout? Before Gordon pointed out what was really up with Rand I figured him to be  a good guy freedom fighter, somebody that I would even vote for. After reading David Ray Griffins book recently I have learned a few new tid bits here and there. I want to thank all the conspiracy theorists for making it much easier for me to expose false flag events. There are so many good people out there, ie- Media Solidarity, etc. that take their job as intel information providers very seriously. I already had natural ability to acknowledge fraud on many levels however these people really made me aware and placed me in the game so to speak. I even thank AJ for his false flag exposure, that guy knows a lot, he is an original with great presentation skills. Now lets take a look at this false flag church shooting in SC. White supremacist kid shoots up a black church? Isn't this a little too simple? 2 plus 2 equals 5? A few trusted sources have already uncovered major inconsistencies in the official story even some potential photo shop- sound familiar Adam Lanza? My bs radar went up immediately this morning when I saw our President and VP doing the sincere condolence protocol all over the web. They aren't going to spin this into a political opportunity will they? I watched World News last night, Jeb interviews very well not bad at all. If there are no other choices I will more then likely go with Hilary, her husband actually did some good things for our country, it looks like they may be joining forces for this campaign.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Into The Devils Playground;_ylt=AwrSbgVMEGJVuEsAaStXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzN3M0Ym50BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDU01FNzAzXzEEc2VjA3Nj   Another example of the futility of war with American hero Chris Moon being compared to Pat Tillman another legend with ties to Arizona. The Airborne guys whether it be the 82 or 101 have an excellent, hard nosed high speed reputation, a proud tradition of elite warriors that goes way back. This article is sad, these young men were sent into a  hellstorm day after day. The Sisyphean futility of what our soldiers have had to endure with this war on terror. I have learned that all of our wars have been banker wars, even going back to WW1 especially since that is a few years after they hijacked the Fed. I am sure the war mongers were indignant that America only came in for the final blow- (about a year) to end the Great War the war to end all wars what a scam that was. In essense the Devils Playground is exactly what the top dogs want to expose our guys to because they get off on other peoples suffering. The military guys are our heros, let us support them on this Memorial Day. There is no such thing as a hero in our sportsworld. I watched a special on Lance Armstrong win at all cost as he was able to have a federal investigation stonewalled, ultimately his world came crashing down. The man on the program basically stated that Lance was called in for one more grand heist in an attempt to win another Tour. Peformance enhancers just level the playing field. I am not going to state that Lance or A-rod arent heros in thier own way, they are under alot of pressure to perfrorm. However  the real American heros are the  Chris Moons of this world, these men pay the ultimate price.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Alex Jones Dark Wars I will never forget Jones going off into some kind of Satanic rage in reference to some innocent kid who was killed by thuggish cops. Apparently the kids dad was a cop as well. It was disturbing but Jones went way over the top. A caller who was a cop asked Jones why he doesn't talk about all of the good things cops do? We all know AJ needs to put on an act and I have learned who actually pulls his strings. It appears that he was making the average Joe off the street hate cops. Jones told us all the time that all of his closest buds were either military guys, cops or Feds and that his pedigree goes way back to a plethora of Patriotism, and that he even has family in special forces. Remember his Santa Ana rant on Piers Morgan? AJ also mentioned that some of his buds are intimidated to call out the NWO. Joe Bigs is a likeable guy very much worthy of my respect and so is David Knight, his entire crew is very impressive. And what could be better then listening to Dr P the ultimate intellectual dark ops spymaster? Its just that AJs string pullers appear to go way back and appear to be behind  JFK and 9-11. So what does this actually mean? I will tell you what any Thermite Sniffer or lawyer who was intentionally sent into the 9-11 truth movement in a direct attempt to obfuscate and distract from the real intel is guilty of some serious crimes.  I learned a lot from Jones but I am not a war monger, disinfo cointelpro neo con  His cover id appears to be one as a bonafide Patriot through and through. Another thing about Jones that made me wonder was is if all of his alleged death threats against him that he talked about over the years were valid/legit? It is my humble opinion that AJ is a protected entity that can basically walk on water without any worry of some rogue spook taking him out.  

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Wolfgang Has Courage

Bogus Intel AJ Info Hoars not good to smear the beloved Corps for your own sensational ratings. Mossad bubble gum boys giving the USA bogus intel definitely not a good situation. AJ had me sold hook line and sinker however once I woke up I realized that Jones is just a perfect spymaster- Cointelpro all the way the best in what the spy game has to offer. Jones claimed to get a lot of high quality intel post 9-11 by disgruntled people inside the system. If true this was also a perfect way to get intel on many people that could be used for favors, political manipulation, intel for potential blackmail the whole 9 yards. I don't like it when people play games with bogus intel aimed at We The People. The USMC would never harm us on our soil they do however  know how to go after the real enemy. They are true warriors- There is no better friend and no worse enemy then a US Marine. I was honored to walk on their hollowed ground for a short while and out of anybody that I ever trusted with my life they all happened to be mostly Marines. They operate on a much higher spiritual plane then most of us they are very proud people. That is why it is definitely criminal to place the devil dogs in a pejorative light AJ. Just out of curiosity is Jones a real Patriot does he really love our country inquiring people want to know? 

Monday, May 11, 2015

War Plan Let us be greatful for the dedication of Dr Preston James and Mike Harris for thier steadfast dedication to our country. They have uncovered history in its real form,  this has been sending shock waves across the globe. Dr Prestons articles are the finest I have ever read and has literally sent me into another wave of knowlege that continues to stimulate me on a daily basis. It took a little while and multiple reads of each article in the beginning due to the various acronyms and overall somewhat esoteric nature of the content but once this learning curve was overcome it was all uphill. Its not intel easily digested or the kind that one can easily talk to anybody about however this has been changing for the better as of late. Soon it will be everyday dinnertime conversation. Whats better bs OCC pseudo intel in the newspapers or anything else on tv or cable or the real kind?  Especially his latest article on Aliens and Hybrids -He blows the cover off of anything that has ever been published anywhere at anytime. The Super beyond Black ET Alien Agenda has allready led to a trail of dead bodies over the years, this is how secetive it has been.  Dr Preston is giving us and continues to give- We The People free intel can you imagine that? All of these other phonies and frauds out there that charge alot of money for this kind of knowlege or they try to scam you in some way with limited hangout, stooge, bad payload, disinfo etc.. and we are getting real US Intel  all for free. This Declaration Of War is the best thing I have read anywhere,  I know how much effort was put  behind it as well. I will end this blog by addressing the various critics I have read over the previous months that were giving VT a little grief for being all talk and no action as far as  addressing the real enemy ie- RKM- I knew as soon as I started reading thier articles that these guys were the real deal and that eventually they were going to back up thier words. A little patience is all we needed. The real history of the RKM is groundbreaking and quite historical. If we all reject the consent of any form of evil that continues to be perpetuated against  our countrty then we will continue to stay on the right path. These warriors were born for war, while everybody else gets into bread and circus shows and reality tv these brave warriors never took thier eye off the ball-. God Bless

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What Our Country Needs This is an amazing article by Gordon Duff. The only thing I can add is my own insights and experiences, writing for me has been very therapeutic. I have given too many people the benefit of the doubt in life as far as the people I admire and respect and they have mostly all let me down. I can no longer even stand behind the concept of military contractors mixing with  traditional old school soldiers after reading
I believe that some of these contracting operations were all money based and it appears to me that Ted Westhusing, a great leader from West Point was murdered by some of the people in that USIS unit. I am entitled to my opinion, it doesn't necessarily mean that I am right however everybody should have an opinion and their own blog this is what makes our country although heavily flawed still a great one which will only get better once  the gangsters stop terrorizing us. I just get sick to my stomach because I think about how many people lost their lives in Vietnam and since with these phony hoax terror wars. Pat Tillman is a real hero with character at the highest measure of the scale. The reason why our country is so screwed up is because our best men seem to always end up dead in suspicious circumstances. This only leaves room for the gangsters and maphia thugs who have no problem with taking a life for no legitimate reason at all except to prolong the illusion and to simply get richer.. In the Civil War we lost a lot of great men, the best guys always seem to go down in and around war. I haven't watched American Sniper, I am not saying I wont ever but I am a total peace activist now because I realize how dumb I was to give our country the benefit of the doubt only to be let down again and again. My x-wife liked the movie American Sniper a lot and her dad was a Marine during the Ike days. What we really need in this country is an Exorcism. Deliver Us From Evil- Very good movie- Eric Bana plays an NYPD detective who had to chase down some serious heavy demons. It was well worth the watch because there are so many brave people in the system who see, go after and chase down evil  every day. Our cops, Feds, detectives and overall good guys in the system get little or no appreciation for their efforts and they really should. I do know for certain that evil exists whether or not god does or not is completely irrelevant. The priest with Eric Bana faced his own demons as a heroin junky in the past so this made it easier for him to take these demons down.   

Saturday, April 25, 2015

All Wars Are Maphia Wars I cant write about these sick freaks that is why I am going to divert my focus in the direction of slimy war hungry neo cons. All of our wars are Maphia wars. All of the horrible things our soldiers went through for what, to make the banking cartels even richer? ("It is well that war is so terrible lest we should grow too fond of it" Robert E Lee)- I knew war was hell because I watched both of Oliver Stones brilliant movies- Born On The 4 Of July and Platoon. My freshman year in college I had a Vietnam Vet devil dog as my friend, he told me that Platoon f- ed him up so bad by watching it, because it  brought back some serious PTSD memories. I still wanted to be a Marine. I asked my friend from high school who broke the pull up record at Paris Island and became a Scout Sniper shortly thereafter which was no easy task to say the least. He said no I wouldn't really recommend the Corps. I asked my other friend that I played ball with who was in the Reserves and he said USMC Reserves- no not so good. Why did I want to be an Officer, if I didn't get the boot I probably would have stayed in for a long while. Its the warrior code I suppose, I wanted to be associated with real deal Smoky Bear Hats. So after everything that we have been through why are these chicken hawk neo-cons even allowed to strut their feathers? How many leaders came out to tell us the way it really is? Vietnam in itself was bad enough, nobody even talks about it, everybody forgot but of course 9-11- Iraq and Afghanistan both mini Vietnams. There is no real difference, both unnecessary imperialistic guerilla wars where the indigenous people were really not our enemy, they never really were. It was Asymmetrical Warfare- We were the criminal occupiers on their homeland, they were just fighting for survival, freedom from the oppression. How would we act if we had enemy invaders on our homeland? All of our wars were set up that way. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques better known as torture was and is the biggest charade going. We never had any real terrorists but even if we did that black site garbage and everything else we put innocent people through wouldn't be the way to go about it. You can never gain any real intel this way, we have a lot of idiots and morons that were put in power by the Bush Cheney gang.  These neo con chicken hawks couldn't give two shits about our war vets and what they really went through. A lot of people need to go to jail for what they did to our soldiers, they have no accountability and zero empathy. We also destroyed many countries in this phony hoax war on terror. Every drone strike is a war crime because there are no real terrorists, sorry to disappoint. We have a heroin epidemic that far surpasses what Russell Crowe had to deal with in American Gangster. People are dropping like flies, the stuff coming in from Afghanistan is so pure and cheap it has never been worse. I am a recovering opiate addict, I never shot with needles just pills, its the same thing. However even people without addictive personalities start shooting dope after starting on pills that is how strong this stuff is, sometimes its laced with Fentanyl, this has killed a lot of people. When are these criminals going to be held accountable for shipping in all of the dope? Does anybody think that DEA and CIA really want to stop the drugs from coming in?   .

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Good Greenwich Guy Gone Bad As I look back into my indoctrination into the dark side so to speak I cant help but to be upset at Jonestein and his Mossad bubble gum boys the Watson brothers. I am an intel professional- I need to know what the real threats are and where they are coming from etc.. I knew things were bad when Extortion 17 was shot down, this was an obvious indicator of a lot going on behind the scenes away from CNN And Fox news. I give credit to Jones and his interview with Charlie Strange but he really has proven himself to be a blowhard. Lets face it when Maphia hoars are paying you big money he has to perform. As I look back I can see a lot of body language that indicated deceit and false emotion. On top of that if you add in disinfo and fearporn campaigns this pretty much puts that operation in scumbag territory. Acting as the leader of the Patriot movement with PCR and the bubble gum boys as writers not so good. And then to top it all off stealing Gordons intel unattributed making believe it to be their own- definitely not a good situation. What did Jones say Lee Wanta was as real as the Easter Bunny? Anyway these maphia thugs aren't too bright because anybody with half of a brain is going to dig a lot deeper then Info Hoars and they will continually lose their audience as time goes on up until all of the AIPAC and Jinsa crowd goes down. Aiding and Abetting in a foreign espionage operation is not minor. I don't wish bad things on Jones, I just feel betrayed because I had him up on a pedestal and he really was rock star material in my book there for a while. (Good Greenwich Guy Gone Bad)- The latest was a few weeks back I forgot my backpack in one of those one step above greasy spoon diners in Delray. What a world we live in thanks to Main Stream Media, what does left behind backpacks remind us of? Do you know how many backpacks I had to worry about that were left behind when I was working security or in training simulations? Many- so I don't blame the guy for basically telling me more or less that he was more concerned about what may have been inside the backpack as opposed to helping me out. His quote- "I don't trust what goes on in the world today pal." How would one even consider going about explaining to the uninitiated that DHS and some rogue Feds and Contractors are the real bad guys that blow things up and blame others? The Boston Massacre backpack scam or making it appear that people were really blown up. etc Cognitive Dissonance- Do people really want to know and how many would actually believe you if you did point this out? They would more then likely call the white coats and have you Baker Acted. That is the name of the game control the narrative, a slam dunk guilty verdict for the innocent patsy in the Boston Marathon. A few years back I saw the picture of a backpack left behind in the bank in Byram that had DHS up in a tizzy. I am not a bomb expert but I have a good bull shit detector- That back pack did not look threatening and neither did the innocent kid they victimized as they shut down the entire section of town for a while. Just out of curiosity what has DHS really done for us to keep us safe?   

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Angels And Demons Religion is for people that don't want to go to hell spirituality is for people that have already been there. Quote from (a wise spiritual warrior) We must confront all demons this is what will take away their power and what will ultimately take all of these demons down. Evil can only be conducted under the cover of darkness and complete secrecy. I don't know if demons have feelings, it doesn't matter, my instinct tells me no they don't because they are complete sociopaths with zero ability to empathize. Forget about therapy it doesn't work its a chemical blockage in the brain chemistry that affects approximately 3-5% of the population. Unfortunately this small percentage and their Kazarian Maphia Illuminati backers control the world. As solid citizens what can we do? Well we need to give these demons an Exorcism of sorts. It worked for me now I am completely out of the rabbit hole and can even offer rabbit hole therapy for others. One has to dig deep and understand what the Lucifarian  Agenda really is. When one talks about pedophile rings and child sacrifice and how this process gives these demons the power of Lucifer it really is too much for the average person to comprehend. That is why only special people can deal with it, people like the SVU unit from Law and Order or the BAU from Criminal Minds. Of course we have the VT warriors who have been going after these disgusting criminals for many years. We owe a debt of gratitude to our brave warriors. Think about it something that the average person cant even deal with, really believe or comprehend let alone talk about and then when the good investigators and Feds attempted to do so they were murdered. This has been going on since long before JFK. Think about how they rigged the system. A huge LEO Draconian Spy Grid just to cover up their Lucifarian Crimes. Nobody in the system was ever allowed to go after these Protected Entities, that is how and why everything was set up. That is how and why they were able to inflict so much damage. JFK, Oklahoma City, 9-11 etc.. One must understand what their agenda really is. It is pain, suffering and massive death that is how they also get their power. Just think about it the Iraq war how long should have that lasted a few months, a few years maybe to set up a military presence in the Middle East? It would have been quite possible if done correctly. Of course back then I didn't know about NWO enforcers who came in to screw things up on purpose, disband the Republican guard to guarantee the insurgency which would unequivocally cause severe damage and needless pain and suffering to our brave warriors. Roadside bombs, civil wars, lost limbs, lost lives,  lost wives and of course many hearts and minds were irrevocably broken on both sides. The longer the war the more money to be made from both sides of the conflict. Have they no remorse for what they did to our soldiers and private contractors? What about the pathological lies they continually hit the American people with? A ten year fraudulent Bin Laden unit to go after a bogeyman myth that died in Dec. 01 of Marfan Syndrome  just to get all of  the heroin and Lithium in Afghanistan. Iraq- We never should have been there to begin with it was based off the 9-11 False Flag. These criminals need to burn in hell, they already are in hell that is where they are most comfortable however their power structure needs to be completely obliterated. If they cant abduct any more children then they cant get their ongoing power supply. Stew Web prevented a child abduction with the Denver 12 when he put out an Amber Alert and the abductor was shot dead by a brave police officer. Does anybody know how long Stew Web has been chasing these demons? Many years since the 80s and only a few years back he finally made this happen, that incident was the beginning of the end for these Denver 12- Illuminati Scum. That is how it is done keep up the great work. There are a lot of pissed off people in the system. People that were born to go after these monsters but were never allowed. The more evil, inhumane and powerful the monster the more incentive to go after them this is the Warrior Code. Humanity is at stake so if we all don't step up and stop worrying about what others think of us or some politically correct bs then there will be no hope for our future.      

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Draconian Country I wanted to thank Ny State for hanging a class e felony on my record for being caught literally on the border of Greenwich//Port Chester.  I just got refused for a pt job at Home Depot. Wow what a country we live in. I take full responsibility for my actions do they meaning the public officials sworn in to protect and serve the United States of America? NY- Cuomo if you are pro life or pro gun get out and lets not forget taking weapons away from veterans and targeting their plates as they come back from risking their lives overseas. Raiding innocent peoples homes doing snatch and grabs of legal weapons. These people are all part of the same Rico mob. Sandy Hook what a joke you people are disgusting and pathetic. I am glad Hilary announced her intentions now our country has a chance. I find it to be important to point out what is really going on. The FBI is a criminal organization. I urge everybody to dig deep into Dr Prestons archive to find out what really went down with Waco and Ruby Ridge. He doesn't name names but you have to be brain dead to not figure it out. It is going to take years if ever for the FBI to redeem itself. I don't know percentages of who is good and who isn't, I do know that it is a lot better however people need to be hung for Treason in the Bureau starting with that drill gone live in the Twin Towers in 1993. The entire Criminal Profile Division needs to adapt to what is real and what isn't. What wasn't real was the DC Sniper- Wow what a surprise the late great Hank Ashers technology  tracked that down with Advanced Data Mining along with the 9-11 hijackers, the majority of whom are still alive and suing the US government. I saw a few episodes of Criminal Minds- Criminal Intent with Forest Whitaker. There was a sniper who was taking out random people very similar to the DC Sniper in 2002. The only problem is that the reality of lone wolf assassins is that it isn't really a reality- sorry to disappoint the Rico mobsters. I cant even watch cable anymore, the latest was a propaganda piece showing how great the FBI JTTF is. The real deal taking out bad guy terrorists and preventing huge attempts. How can they show this garbage when these Fema fusion centers have  proven to be an absolute joke that haven't even prevented one terrorist act? Then we have 16 Federal Agencies confirm that Iran is peaceful and has no nuke intentions only to have that furniture salesmen come here to humiliate and embarrass himself and tell us otherwise, does he think everybody is that dumb? People need to be held accountable for their actions. There were trillions of dollars stolen these DHS criminals raped and pillaged from the American tax payers which could have been used for the good Feds that are still in the system that are more disgusted then I am. They could have used a larger budget for more people to open up cold cases, to basically do their jobs which they were born to do. All of this high speed Advanced Data mining for what, to stage False Flag terrorist attacks and to cover up their tracks, they are worse then heroin junkies. They are drunk on power and have never been held accountable for their actions. Lets see we have some solid choices for our next Commander In Chief. The late great Hank Ashers go to guy Jeb as well as a Lucifarian Dominionist who isn't even a natural born citizen. The Tea Party is full of Treasonous scum according to Gordon and now we have Rand Paul and Ted Cruz to save the day. Jones had me convinced Obama really was the Anti Christ and Cruz and Rand were the only hope for our future. How much is the KM Maphia paying Jones? I tell you what Jones is much worse then Oreilly. This is because The Spin zone actor Oreilly just plays dumb not knowing anything about 9-11 etc- Meanwhile Jones comes out of nowhere in the late 90s and steals the thunder from the real heart and soul of this country people like Stew Web and the late Bill Cooper. Cooper deserves a star similar to what they have in Langley for his steadfast dedication to what is true and real. The Feds did a good job of killing him 2 months after 9-11 and this American hero with 2 military careers behind him was labeled a radical militiamen how much worse can it get then that? Then along comes  Jones with  his Patriotic rants and fluoride filter NWO crusade. I let my emotions get the best of me. I truly looked up to and respected this guy. He was talking about 9-11 and Bin Laden with Dr P and crushing Piers Morgan on the talk show circuit. Judgment day will come for Jones, he is an Israeli stooge, definitely not his own man, how is Jesse V and Dr P even friends with him?  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ponzi Cons And Plans

I have alot of respect for William Ackman because he is going after Herbalife and even squared off against Carl Icahn the real life corporate Raider going back to the Ivan Boesky- Gordon Gekko days. I believe as Ackman does that Herbalife is a criminal enterprise set up more or less like a Ponzi scam. It is somewhat ambiguous as to what constitutes a Ponzi scheme that is why this fight where Ackman stated that he spent close to 50 million of his own money will get quite interesting. He even mentioned that one of the head sheds on CNBC perjured himself by claiming 90% of Herbalifes revenue comes from retail sales. This is how it really works. Joe Blow off the street is broke and miserable and is approached by an up line rep claiming that they will show them how to make alot of money by selling legit products. These products are legit however Joe Blow has to pay money out of his own pocket to get started. What makes this a ruthless enterprise is that not only does Joe Blow not make any money he alienates all of his friends and family members by trying to get them involved in this operation as well. Now Joe Blow is even poorer and the few friends that he did have are forever out of his life because they saw the sales pitch coming from miles away. This is how a Network Marketing operation works, only the top dogs make any real money. It is set up almost like a cult, it makes it very difficult, some would say almost even impossible to become a top dog once the Pyramid is clearly established. Any money that is made becomes negligible if you equate the countless hours, time, effort and alienation of former friends and family members that went along with it. Countless families have been ruined by these type of cons. These companies make the majority of their money from the new gullible saps that have to buy in initially. They need a constant supply of new gullible saps to recruit others because this is where the real money is made not through retail sales. God bless William Ackman keep up the great work. My plan for the future includes an insurance type slush fund worth billions, this will be used to reimburse real Ponzi Scam victims. The problem with Ponzi schemes is that they are extremely difficult to investigate. If one does any due diligence they may not find anything incriminating because on paper as in Madoffs case and many others they appear to be clean and legit. It is not until a few people start asking for their principle back or a rigged market scenario like 08 that the real red flags start going up and people start to finally realize that they have been robbed and in many cases are ruined for life. It doesn't matter that the scam artists get sentenced to harsh sentences, in some cases this makes it even worse. If the victims aren't compensated for in many cases their entire nest eggs being eliminated what difference does this make? It makes it even worse for some because while the criminals sit behind bars they are being fed and housed by the state meanwhile the victims are completely wiped out and sometimes cant even eat themselves, not good. It is bad enough that the American people are being victimized by Ponzi cons with the criminal off shore Fed and IRS. If somebody gets robbed by a Ponzi scam artist without an insurance type guaranteed payout for all of their losses including interest for pain and suffering, investigations and locking people up becomes an exercise in futility. Not everybody is a financial wizard, even the smartest people can become major victims and many already have. Lets get this multi billion dollar plus slush fund off the ground for all former and future victims of financial fraud and start to implement this in the years ahead.

Alex Jonestown Scam There it is conclusive proof that Alex Jones conned me into believing that Al Gore was a scam with his global warming pitch. I will go with the best informed intel guy in the world any day of the week. Preston James calls disinfo cointelpro (counter intelligence program) operations like Infowars limited hangouts meaning they unleash alot of solid intel just enough to pose as 100% legit in an effort to gain your trust only to scam you in other ways later. Like maybe getting info on who the real players are just so they can lead one into a hornets nest when the time is right. Alex is a true spymaster, not a bonafide and genuine Patriot that is only his cover id. Limited hangout truth nuggets that had me drinking Jonesteins kool aid all the way almost back to Jonestown itself. Alex Jones you have turned out to be a con man posing as the leader of the Patriot movement while double dipping with a big money handler behind the scenes while pushing aphrodisiacs and fluoride filters making it appear that this is the only way to keep your operation afloat. That is a sin, because Patriots are pure and noble, this means Alex that you have proven yourself to be an egregious fraud. Controlled Opposition, ie-AIPAC Jinsa- Gordon said that some of the people in your circle are so dirty that they would be doing time otherwise, wow what a great role model you are. I am tired of these scam traitors. It is now time to unleash a cable channel with Veterans Today making money the real way, the only way which is honorable and sink these alternative media wanna be Patriot operations and take it to the next level. Even main stream media will be under the ocean like the Titanic in a few years maybe even less. We need Gordon in the White House, every person I talked to never even heard of him, that is because he is not a mobster and Main Stream news is scared to death of him. Think about it do you think they want the man who is going to sink their entire operation with 9-11 intel for starters on their program? That is why we must be creative and start off with a major cable network and take it from there. I never fully trusted you Alex Jones, but Dr P was the only reason I stood behind you for so long. We don't have time to waste we need sponsors, money the whole 9 yards. I even like and respect Obama now, not because I am a Democrat, I am an independent. Jones had me convinced that our Commander in Chief was the devil himself. He is not, he is an American who doesn't get pushed around by Bibi, I respect him for that. He has done alot of positive things that he never received any credit for. Meanwhile Alex Jones go to guy Rand Paul might be implicated on Treason charges, who is the real Patriot now Alex? I believe our President loves our country and is doing the best he can under some very ugly circumstances. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Open Letter To VT Trolls

The critics and trolls are predicable. I equate them with being the fat out of shape fans in the stands who do absolutely nothing except yell and scream at the pro athletes, the real players who work hard and make big money. For starters VT gets some grief because their articles sometimes look as if they haven't been spell checked. They are getting cyber hacked and attacked, if you critics weren't on the sidelines you would know this, I have written blogs that flat out disappeared as soon as I wrote them just wasting hours of my time. I have keys that don't work, all types of dirty tricks and I am not even a real player.Those guys go through hell just ask Stew Web how many times they tried to kill him. Even Preston James has mentioned that they came after him in the past. Anyway they need support so stop thinking you are smarter because you are not. They have real intel and the KM Mafia is not really something that one could research on google. They are a private intel firm, this means that they have plenty of hard evidence that can and will be used in the court of law. Also please no more pejorative comments referring to cops as pigs that is insulting. Most cops are very good. I never met a cop I didn't like, even the ones I knew to be corrupt and this also includes the ones that put cuffs on me which has been more times then I care to admit. I was sickened to my soul when I was locked up because a lot of the inmates hated cops with a passion and were even happy when one died.Cops can and will save our lives can anybody say that about a politician? When bad things happen who do you call, I will guarantee that even the most corrupt cops in this country have saved lives and done heroic things that only people in their circle really Know about. It is a thankless job and they deserve a lot of respect. We need to get rid of the FBI, DHS, and CIA. FBI- Fidelity Bravery and Integrity, no more like Federalized Bureaucratic Incompetence- What they did to Mike Dick one of if not the most heroic federal agents this country has ever known is unconciable. He is in John Oneill Roger Carnabys league, that is why he was working the real Able Danger Investigation doing surveillance pre-9-11. Don't worry Mike you have a solid future once Gordon Duff becomes President.   

The Wrong People Are Locked Up  Alex Jones our Commander in Chief isn't that bad, so please stop demonizing Obama with your zio marketing campaign. I told my mom that I wouldn't write any more blogs but I cant sit back and watch our country get steamrolled by Rico Mobsters. Alex your cover is blown, you are Bibis boy and Rand Paul is his pet project. This means Alex that you really aren't the leader of the Patriot movement and never were, you are a hypocrite traitor clown- neo con. Your boy Rand is not a peaceful third party or independent freedom fighter after all and neither are you Alex Jones. You let me down and so did Judge Napolitano because you are all Murdochs boys so please cut the bs. I thought the judge wanted to investigate 9-11 but he really doesn't, he is pushing the Saudi angle with Lt Col Anthony Shaeffer, and even implicated that innocent patsy in the Boston Marathon False Flag. Alan Combes may be the only honest person, my gut tells me he wants 9-11 adjudicated the right way. We are at an all time low and things must turn around. I hate politics and I hate politicians, I admire leaders with character and integrity. Gordon Duff must get into the White House because he is not a political animal, he is a real leader, that is the difference, the last chance this country really has. My mission is to set up a non profit and raise money for our next Commander in Chief, my mother should be proud of my new found focus. This will get ugly, a real dogfight because the President is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the Supreme Law of the Land. This means if Gordon gets in their will be mass arrests across the board, a sweeping change, the real shock and awe. Many people will get locked up and many will never get out- Stew Web will make sure of that. Alex if you really are hooked in with the AIPAC boys you may go down too. This is a serious situation, this will be the most historic election in the history of this country. We have been hijacked and humiliated by real bad people. (they aren't really people) I have never admired anybody more then the VT warriors, this has been the most disturbing but refreshing time of my life. No I wont be a Lee Attwater spreading lies and then dying of cancer because of the tremendous guilt but rather speaking the truth about humble men and women who really have made a difference. No huge Napoleonic complexes or extreme Narcissists, just solid warriors who know how to take care of business, they were born to do it. How many politicians have had the courage to even mention the word False Flag? What should it mean to be an American? The answer is simple- When you are the toughest guy in the room, it is instinctive, people know not to mess with you because they know what will happen. It means not being a bully, mobster or murderer. It means that you really don't have any enemies because you never earned any because you are empathetic, a real humanitarian with compassion for others, and want to help rather then hurt. Our great nation has been hijacked and humiliated by Zio Rico cowards and criminals, they are the epitome of cowardice and disgrace. Bibi should have been locked up long ago, the only thing he wants to do is Nuke Iran, he is as sociopathic as they come. Gordon Duffs warriors know what needs to be done, sociopaths cant peacefully co exist with other humans it is impossible. They need to be stopped cold in their tracks, very few people have the power to actually do this. Let us all give positive encouragement to Maureen Crowley who spoke up about Sandy Hook. That Boston Marathon False Flag is far from over, their is no statute of limitations for huge Rico crimes.    

Friday, February 13, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

9-11 Perps Americas Most Wanted

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

On The Ground At Amaranth I was born to protect and serve. My uncle was a sergeant in the NYPD during the American gangster Chinatown heroin days, he even went out to lunch with Paul Newman during the filming of Ft Apache the Bronx. He was a solid man with great character surrounded by 80% of the NYPD DEA who were eventually arrested for being on the take. He used to say the only difference between the cop and the criminal is the badge. He never took a dime illegally he was a member of the few and the proud. I take security seriously and I take it personally when slimy cowards use stolen tax payers money to stage false flag drills. There are lone wolf assassins, it is rare but they do exist. It appears to me that DC Sniper may have been legit however I have my doubts. That LAPD Manifesto with Dorner that was an obvious false flag. Watch out for those Manifestos Ted Kaczynski was more then likely a cia darpa asset. The mobsters better stop using their patsies because they are so blatantly obvious. It shows a desperate bunch of criminals who have done nothing but steal money, extort, drug deal and take out hits on people to be on their last legs that is why they are so sloppy. Lets face it they could make these events appear much more realistic if they were any good. I always study forensic criminology. I love it because I am a certified wanna be. However I always try to figure out what went wrong and what could be done better in the future. The GPD has a great pd the best in the country however in 93 there was a lone wolf assassin this is a heartbreaking story. I knew people who grew up with both the shooter and the victim. Andrew Wilson was allegedly sending psychotic letters to John Peters a classy man from back country Greenwich who was also a pilot that my father knew as well. It is heartbreaking because local law enforcement doesn't do 24/7 executive protection this is for private security only and unfortunately Law Enforcement really cant do anything until something actually happens. I lived a miserable stressed out life for a few years when my wife was getting stalked and generally harassed by unrealistic fantasy type loners and sometimes even by affable charming  men. Alot of powerful executives are not humble and exhibit narcissistic personality disorder type traits and sometimes wont quit until they accomplish their goal. I lived the life of an intel professional, I learned alot more by real world experience as opposed to books that I read or classes that I took. I was honored to get the call to a Hedge Fund during a major financial implosion. I ended up in jail because I live on the border however the highest compliment one can give is that they would trust you with their life money and thier wife especially during the worst and most stressful of times. I like many other intel professionals are disgusted by domestic false flag terrorism. I know their hands are tied because they are stuck in the system so my blogs speak for these warriors as well and nobody can tell me what I can write because this is the United States of America and my sources are real US intel. The brave warriors at VT have risked and dedicated their lives to our country. Being able to back real verified sources has been the highest honor of all. This helps when going up against foreign espionage dis info agents these people are as ruthless as they come. I am still upsetting my mother however I am a warrior that knows how bad the situation really is. If I didn't write about Jonathan Reichs false arrest on my blog would the average person who just watches CNN or the newspaper know anything at all? The answer is no that is why their needs to be huge anti trust Rico lawsuits against all main stream media outlets and there needs to be a lot of pressure placed on the owners from hiding important National Security Information from the American people. I will keep doing this and I know that in time the entire house of cards will implode. The brave VT warriors have been going after these protected entities for many years. This is the first time however that they hopefully have the full backing of the American people because too many people have already lost their lives. We need Gordon Duff in the white house I don't care how this is done as long as it is a legal non rigged election otherwise there is no hope for our future and this will be for many generations to come.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

William Shanley Trumped Up Charges

William Shanley went mia because the gangsters more then likely set him up with a trumped up charge- The oldest trick in the book. We need to bail out William Shanley and somehow someway prevent the gangsters from rigging another election. The only way these gangsters will ever go down is if Gordon Duff is running the show. I don't feel safe in my own country. I already had a breakdown at the end of the summer because I thought that they were going to take Wolf out. This is just as I learned that the lead investigator died in mysterious circumstances. I cant take any more abuse from these criminals- Anything that is good pure and noble they destroy or kill- demons from hell watch out because the intel cowboys are ready to roll-50k bail are you serious how much more obvious can they make it? Does anybody believe in these Free Mason leos paid to set people up? William Shanley may have a potential lawsuit for the false arrest alone. Jonathan Reich is going to sue for big money based on his false arrest. They put that innocent kid and his family through hell on earth. Why was Jonathan arrested and threatened he didn't break the law the ct state trooper even signed off on no further investigation needed

Monday, February 2, 2015

Daddy Bush And His Minions

Take These Perps Down I wake up in the middle of the night and I do my best to come to grips with what would have been avoided if our greatest President wasn't assassinated. I cried for days on end when I came to the realization of this fact as well as 9-11 my heart and soul were lost forever. 9-11 along with JFK put me in a severe depression because seriously can man really be that ruthless and cruel? I couldn't believe my heart and soul was damaged even further by coming to the realization that some people that I thought were leaders and role models born to protect and serve The United States of America were the very ones that were actually involved in the planning of the 9-11 False Flag micro nuke stand down that killed over 3000 Americans for starters. They didn't blow up the GW Bridge, Holland or Lincoln Tunnels but what if they did what would have happened if all of those cars went down into the Hudson River? Inst it bad enough that the cockroaches that planned the 9-11 False Flag ran for cover and the real heroes came in to make sense out of something that was simply beyond comprehension? Many brave warriors have cancer from these W-54 Davy Crockett micro nukes that were stolen out of Texas. Wasn't this the location near the fertilizer plant that blew up? Real security experts dedicate their life to Advance Work and Prevention to make sure that nothing bad ever happens  no matter what because when something does go wrong guess who gets the blame no matter what? There is hope for our future after all so please I urge all Americans to vote for Gordon Duff for president. A fierce Scottish warrior  a man that was "Born To Fight". It is difficult to explain to the average person what it is like to be a fierce Scottish Warrior however Braveheart is a perfect example. The Battle of Stirling Bridge- 1297 Scots 5 to 6 thousand Scottish warriors vs at least 9000 arrogant Brits. This is  how Scottish warriors roll there is no half measures it is all the way or absolutely no way at all. Robert the Bruce felt disgusted and sickened to his very soul when he had to betray William Wallace, this also put Wallace into some very ugly places as well. Warriors don't need to murder  innocent people and use the FBI to carry out their execution type killings or Arkansides. This is nothing more then a gangster dressed as a Fed pure and simple. This is nothing more then a flat out Sociopath that can get away with Arkansides and then run for cover backed by Classified National Secrecy. It is all a  scam a huge Ponzi Con. It more then likely started when they sunk the unsinkable Titanic in 1912. This made it easier to illegally hijack the Fed in 1913. We have been going down hill ever since.   The American people have been played for fools. The CIA and DHS and all 16 spook house Federal Agencies created after the Coup De Tat on 9-11-2001 are nothing more then a huge criminal gangster operation that has absolutely nothing to do with National Security. Its sole purpose is to cover up its horrific crimes and spy on honest Americans and try to legitimize torture. They use Mossad hit teams to kill anybody that get in their way. I knew bad things were in store when Long Term Capital blew up in Greenwich and sent shock waves into Wall Street and the Hedge Fund World. Hedge Funds and the Bernie Madoff types were in the incipient stages. It didn't take long for millions to turn into billions and then trillions. Let us never forget Enron and World Con. These were Companies that Bet on the Weather and made up Telecom Ponzi  schemes. Lies that sent thousands of innocent people running for cover and ruined for life. Burn Baby Burn Burn and  take out the power grid on the entire West Coast. Buy Baby Buy is what Kenny Boy Lay told everybody, his innocent shareholders as well as the American people. He said that it was a solid company with plenty of good solid earnings. I have learned that Paulson, Geitner, and Bernanke may not have been heroes after all. Jim Tucker was on the ground floor during the NWO Bilderberg annual con games they even tried to kill him once according to people that are in the know. He stated that a rigged market scenario is scheduled so everybody must prepare and run for cover. I will never forget- The Dust Bowl That Almost Was- Sept 2008 Dow what 6500 how much worse can it get then that? Lehman Brothers was too big to fail remember that one? However when the big wigs went down during the implosion Dick Fuld and his boys received plenty of Golden Parachutes to boot. Toxic traunches that were planned years in advance. I don't know what is in store for the markets in the near future the only thing I know for sure is that Skull And Bone Pirates and Gangsters stole trillions of dollars and were trying to extort Lee Wanta out of billions of dollars and they were also planning a hit unless he complied. These are Gangster Puppetmasters that own and control both sides of the House. The Republican and Democratic parties and much more. Is their any wonder why we have been exposed to phony, illegal, unprovoked, unconstitutional and unwinnable wars of aggression and rigged elections? Wanta was Reagan's Secret Agent, a genius with impeccable character. He is an American hero that helped take down the entire Soviet Union. He wants to revive the economy and pay off all of our pernicious diabolical debt, he is worth in excess of 30 Trillion Dollars. The OCC Organized Crime Cabal is about as ruthless and inhumane as one can possibly imagine however its been coming at us for many decades. They assassinated our Greatest President, his brother Bobby, Martin Luthur King and more then likely John Jr. because he was thinking about a NY Senate Seat and asking questions about his fathers death. They may have murdered our Prince and then they made it look as if Tim Osman aka Bin Laden a cia asset hijacked multiple jets and sent them into the Greatest Towers ever known. Buildings that were already vetted to withstand direct hits from ferocious airliners. They blamed the collapse on jet fuel and fires or some bull shit to that effect. Mossad wages wars "By Way Of Deception And Cover." They are slimy cockroaches, cowards and criminals. Krav Maga I will no longer practice this art of self defense. Then we have Senator McCain the father of ISIS saying bad things about how cruel and inhumane the UFC is. These proud and pure warriors were born to fight and never have or never would kill anybody inside the ring. Meanwhile Mccains father a US Navy Admiral that stood behind the USS Liberty False Flag cover up in 1967, how much worse can it get then this? McCain is A  Manchurian Candidate- We don't need any more MK Ultra Skull And Bones Pirate Con Games please haven't you disgusting cockroaches killed enough people and done enough to hurt our country? Don't we deserve  a fresh start? Steven Spielberg did you use your script in the Boston Marathon False Flag? Dr. Fetzer has sources  that seem to think so. I am sickened to my very soul that a man that created Saving Private Ryan the best war movie of all time may have his hooks into an illegal foreign espionage operation how much worse can it get then this?                                                                   p