Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Draconian Country

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/04/11/monsters-among-us-evil-with-a-nice-face-part-iii/ I wanted to thank Ny State for hanging a class e felony on my record for being caught literally on the border of Greenwich//Port Chester.  I just got refused for a pt job at Home Depot. Wow what a country we live in. I take full responsibility for my actions do they meaning the public officials sworn in to protect and serve the United States of America? NY- Cuomo if you are pro life or pro gun get out and lets not forget taking weapons away from veterans and targeting their plates as they come back from risking their lives overseas. Raiding innocent peoples homes doing snatch and grabs of legal weapons. These people are all part of the same Rico mob. Sandy Hook what a joke you people are disgusting and pathetic. I am glad Hilary announced her intentions now our country has a chance. I find it to be important to point out what is really going on. The FBI is a criminal organization. I urge everybody to dig deep into Dr Prestons archive to find out what really went down with Waco and Ruby Ridge. He doesn't name names but you have to be brain dead to not figure it out. It is going to take years if ever for the FBI to redeem itself. I don't know percentages of who is good and who isn't, I do know that it is a lot better however people need to be hung for Treason in the Bureau starting with that drill gone live in the Twin Towers in 1993. The entire Criminal Profile Division needs to adapt to what is real and what isn't. What wasn't real was the DC Sniper- Wow what a surprise the late great Hank Ashers technology  tracked that down with Advanced Data Mining along with the 9-11 hijackers, the majority of whom are still alive and suing the US government. I saw a few episodes of Criminal Minds- Criminal Intent with Forest Whitaker. There was a sniper who was taking out random people very similar to the DC Sniper in 2002. The only problem is that the reality of lone wolf assassins is that it isn't really a reality- sorry to disappoint the Rico mobsters. I cant even watch cable anymore, the latest was a propaganda piece showing how great the FBI JTTF is. The real deal taking out bad guy terrorists and preventing huge attempts. How can they show this garbage when these Fema fusion centers have  proven to be an absolute joke that haven't even prevented one terrorist act? Then we have 16 Federal Agencies confirm that Iran is peaceful and has no nuke intentions only to have that furniture salesmen come here to humiliate and embarrass himself and tell us otherwise, does he think everybody is that dumb? People need to be held accountable for their actions. There were trillions of dollars stolen these DHS criminals raped and pillaged from the American tax payers which could have been used for the good Feds that are still in the system that are more disgusted then I am. They could have used a larger budget for more people to open up cold cases, to basically do their jobs which they were born to do. All of this high speed Advanced Data mining for what, to stage False Flag terrorist attacks and to cover up their tracks, they are worse then heroin junkies. They are drunk on power and have never been held accountable for their actions. Lets see we have some solid choices for our next Commander In Chief. The late great Hank Ashers go to guy Jeb as well as a Lucifarian Dominionist who isn't even a natural born citizen. The Tea Party is full of Treasonous scum according to Gordon and now we have Rand Paul and Ted Cruz to save the day. Jones had me convinced Obama really was the Anti Christ and Cruz and Rand were the only hope for our future. How much is the KM Maphia paying Jones? I tell you what Jones is much worse then Oreilly. This is because The Spin zone actor Oreilly just plays dumb not knowing anything about 9-11 etc- Meanwhile Jones comes out of nowhere in the late 90s and steals the thunder from the real heart and soul of this country people like Stew Web and the late Bill Cooper. Cooper deserves a star similar to what they have in Langley for his steadfast dedication to what is true and real. The Feds did a good job of killing him 2 months after 9-11 and this American hero with 2 military careers behind him was labeled a radical militiamen how much worse can it get then that? Then along comes  Jones with  his Patriotic rants and fluoride filter NWO crusade. I let my emotions get the best of me. I truly looked up to and respected this guy. He was talking about 9-11 and Bin Laden with Dr P and crushing Piers Morgan on the talk show circuit. Judgment day will come for Jones, he is an Israeli stooge, definitely not his own man, how is Jesse V and Dr P even friends with him?  

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