Sunday, April 19, 2015

Good Greenwich Guy Gone Bad As I look back into my indoctrination into the dark side so to speak I cant help but to be upset at Jonestein and his Mossad bubble gum boys the Watson brothers. I am an intel professional- I need to know what the real threats are and where they are coming from etc.. I knew things were bad when Extortion 17 was shot down, this was an obvious indicator of a lot going on behind the scenes away from CNN And Fox news. I give credit to Jones and his interview with Charlie Strange but he really has proven himself to be a blowhard. Lets face it when Maphia hoars are paying you big money he has to perform. As I look back I can see a lot of body language that indicated deceit and false emotion. On top of that if you add in disinfo and fearporn campaigns this pretty much puts that operation in scumbag territory. Acting as the leader of the Patriot movement with PCR and the bubble gum boys as writers not so good. And then to top it all off stealing Gordons intel unattributed making believe it to be their own- definitely not a good situation. What did Jones say Lee Wanta was as real as the Easter Bunny? Anyway these maphia thugs aren't too bright because anybody with half of a brain is going to dig a lot deeper then Info Hoars and they will continually lose their audience as time goes on up until all of the AIPAC and Jinsa crowd goes down. Aiding and Abetting in a foreign espionage operation is not minor. I don't wish bad things on Jones, I just feel betrayed because I had him up on a pedestal and he really was rock star material in my book there for a while. (Good Greenwich Guy Gone Bad)- The latest was a few weeks back I forgot my backpack in one of those one step above greasy spoon diners in Delray. What a world we live in thanks to Main Stream Media, what does left behind backpacks remind us of? Do you know how many backpacks I had to worry about that were left behind when I was working security or in training simulations? Many- so I don't blame the guy for basically telling me more or less that he was more concerned about what may have been inside the backpack as opposed to helping me out. His quote- "I don't trust what goes on in the world today pal." How would one even consider going about explaining to the uninitiated that DHS and some rogue Feds and Contractors are the real bad guys that blow things up and blame others? The Boston Massacre backpack scam or making it appear that people were really blown up. etc Cognitive Dissonance- Do people really want to know and how many would actually believe you if you did point this out? They would more then likely call the white coats and have you Baker Acted. That is the name of the game control the narrative, a slam dunk guilty verdict for the innocent patsy in the Boston Marathon. A few years back I saw the picture of a backpack left behind in the bank in Byram that had DHS up in a tizzy. I am not a bomb expert but I have a good bull shit detector- That back pack did not look threatening and neither did the innocent kid they victimized as they shut down the entire section of town for a while. Just out of curiosity what has DHS really done for us to keep us safe?   

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