Saturday, April 18, 2015

Angels And Demons Religion is for people that don't want to go to hell spirituality is for people that have already been there. Quote from (a wise spiritual warrior) We must confront all demons this is what will take away their power and what will ultimately take all of these demons down. Evil can only be conducted under the cover of darkness and complete secrecy. I don't know if demons have feelings, it doesn't matter, my instinct tells me no they don't because they are complete sociopaths with zero ability to empathize. Forget about therapy it doesn't work its a chemical blockage in the brain chemistry that affects approximately 3-5% of the population. Unfortunately this small percentage and their Kazarian Maphia Illuminati backers control the world. As solid citizens what can we do? Well we need to give these demons an Exorcism of sorts. It worked for me now I am completely out of the rabbit hole and can even offer rabbit hole therapy for others. One has to dig deep and understand what the Lucifarian  Agenda really is. When one talks about pedophile rings and child sacrifice and how this process gives these demons the power of Lucifer it really is too much for the average person to comprehend. That is why only special people can deal with it, people like the SVU unit from Law and Order or the BAU from Criminal Minds. Of course we have the VT warriors who have been going after these disgusting criminals for many years. We owe a debt of gratitude to our brave warriors. Think about it something that the average person cant even deal with, really believe or comprehend let alone talk about and then when the good investigators and Feds attempted to do so they were murdered. This has been going on since long before JFK. Think about how they rigged the system. A huge LEO Draconian Spy Grid just to cover up their Lucifarian Crimes. Nobody in the system was ever allowed to go after these Protected Entities, that is how and why everything was set up. That is how and why they were able to inflict so much damage. JFK, Oklahoma City, 9-11 etc.. One must understand what their agenda really is. It is pain, suffering and massive death that is how they also get their power. Just think about it the Iraq war how long should have that lasted a few months, a few years maybe to set up a military presence in the Middle East? It would have been quite possible if done correctly. Of course back then I didn't know about NWO enforcers who came in to screw things up on purpose, disband the Republican guard to guarantee the insurgency which would unequivocally cause severe damage and needless pain and suffering to our brave warriors. Roadside bombs, civil wars, lost limbs, lost lives,  lost wives and of course many hearts and minds were irrevocably broken on both sides. The longer the war the more money to be made from both sides of the conflict. Have they no remorse for what they did to our soldiers and private contractors? What about the pathological lies they continually hit the American people with? A ten year fraudulent Bin Laden unit to go after a bogeyman myth that died in Dec. 01 of Marfan Syndrome  just to get all of  the heroin and Lithium in Afghanistan. Iraq- We never should have been there to begin with it was based off the 9-11 False Flag. These criminals need to burn in hell, they already are in hell that is where they are most comfortable however their power structure needs to be completely obliterated. If they cant abduct any more children then they cant get their ongoing power supply. Stew Web prevented a child abduction with the Denver 12 when he put out an Amber Alert and the abductor was shot dead by a brave police officer. Does anybody know how long Stew Web has been chasing these demons? Many years since the 80s and only a few years back he finally made this happen, that incident was the beginning of the end for these Denver 12- Illuminati Scum. That is how it is done keep up the great work. There are a lot of pissed off people in the system. People that were born to go after these monsters but were never allowed. The more evil, inhumane and powerful the monster the more incentive to go after them this is the Warrior Code. Humanity is at stake so if we all don't step up and stop worrying about what others think of us or some politically correct bs then there will be no hope for our future.      

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