Saturday, April 25, 2015

All Wars Are Maphia Wars I cant write about these sick freaks that is why I am going to divert my focus in the direction of slimy war hungry neo cons. All of our wars are Maphia wars. All of the horrible things our soldiers went through for what, to make the banking cartels even richer? ("It is well that war is so terrible lest we should grow too fond of it" Robert E Lee)- I knew war was hell because I watched both of Oliver Stones brilliant movies- Born On The 4 Of July and Platoon. My freshman year in college I had a Vietnam Vet devil dog as my friend, he told me that Platoon f- ed him up so bad by watching it, because it  brought back some serious PTSD memories. I still wanted to be a Marine. I asked my friend from high school who broke the pull up record at Paris Island and became a Scout Sniper shortly thereafter which was no easy task to say the least. He said no I wouldn't really recommend the Corps. I asked my other friend that I played ball with who was in the Reserves and he said USMC Reserves- no not so good. Why did I want to be an Officer, if I didn't get the boot I probably would have stayed in for a long while. Its the warrior code I suppose, I wanted to be associated with real deal Smoky Bear Hats. So after everything that we have been through why are these chicken hawk neo-cons even allowed to strut their feathers? How many leaders came out to tell us the way it really is? Vietnam in itself was bad enough, nobody even talks about it, everybody forgot but of course 9-11- Iraq and Afghanistan both mini Vietnams. There is no real difference, both unnecessary imperialistic guerilla wars where the indigenous people were really not our enemy, they never really were. It was Asymmetrical Warfare- We were the criminal occupiers on their homeland, they were just fighting for survival, freedom from the oppression. How would we act if we had enemy invaders on our homeland? All of our wars were set up that way. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques better known as torture was and is the biggest charade going. We never had any real terrorists but even if we did that black site garbage and everything else we put innocent people through wouldn't be the way to go about it. You can never gain any real intel this way, we have a lot of idiots and morons that were put in power by the Bush Cheney gang.  These neo con chicken hawks couldn't give two shits about our war vets and what they really went through. A lot of people need to go to jail for what they did to our soldiers, they have no accountability and zero empathy. We also destroyed many countries in this phony hoax war on terror. Every drone strike is a war crime because there are no real terrorists, sorry to disappoint. We have a heroin epidemic that far surpasses what Russell Crowe had to deal with in American Gangster. People are dropping like flies, the stuff coming in from Afghanistan is so pure and cheap it has never been worse. I am a recovering opiate addict, I never shot with needles just pills, its the same thing. However even people without addictive personalities start shooting dope after starting on pills that is how strong this stuff is, sometimes its laced with Fentanyl, this has killed a lot of people. When are these criminals going to be held accountable for shipping in all of the dope? Does anybody think that DEA and CIA really want to stop the drugs from coming in?   .

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