Sunday, May 24, 2015

Into The Devils Playground;_ylt=AwrSbgVMEGJVuEsAaStXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzN3M0Ym50BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDU01FNzAzXzEEc2VjA3Nj   Another example of the futility of war with American hero Chris Moon being compared to Pat Tillman another legend with ties to Arizona. The Airborne guys whether it be the 82 or 101 have an excellent, hard nosed high speed reputation, a proud tradition of elite warriors that goes way back. This article is sad, these young men were sent into a  hellstorm day after day. The Sisyphean futility of what our soldiers have had to endure with this war on terror. I have learned that all of our wars have been banker wars, even going back to WW1 especially since that is a few years after they hijacked the Fed. I am sure the war mongers were indignant that America only came in for the final blow- (about a year) to end the Great War the war to end all wars what a scam that was. In essense the Devils Playground is exactly what the top dogs want to expose our guys to because they get off on other peoples suffering. The military guys are our heros, let us support them on this Memorial Day. There is no such thing as a hero in our sportsworld. I watched a special on Lance Armstrong win at all cost as he was able to have a federal investigation stonewalled, ultimately his world came crashing down. The man on the program basically stated that Lance was called in for one more grand heist in an attempt to win another Tour. Peformance enhancers just level the playing field. I am not going to state that Lance or A-rod arent heros in thier own way, they are under alot of pressure to perfrorm. However  the real American heros are the  Chris Moons of this world, these men pay the ultimate price.

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