Thursday, June 18, 2015

28 Pages And Church Shooting  Just out of curiosity why is Rand Paul looking like the good guy now sugar and spice and everything nice meaning wanting to expose the 28 pages? Wasn't Rand outed already as Bibis and AJs go to guy? What is that all about, limited hangout? Before Gordon pointed out what was really up with Rand I figured him to be  a good guy freedom fighter, somebody that I would even vote for. After reading David Ray Griffins book recently I have learned a few new tid bits here and there. I want to thank all the conspiracy theorists for making it much easier for me to expose false flag events. There are so many good people out there, ie- Media Solidarity, etc. that take their job as intel information providers very seriously. I already had natural ability to acknowledge fraud on many levels however these people really made me aware and placed me in the game so to speak. I even thank AJ for his false flag exposure, that guy knows a lot, he is an original with great presentation skills. Now lets take a look at this false flag church shooting in SC. White supremacist kid shoots up a black church? Isn't this a little too simple? 2 plus 2 equals 5? A few trusted sources have already uncovered major inconsistencies in the official story even some potential photo shop- sound familiar Adam Lanza? My bs radar went up immediately this morning when I saw our President and VP doing the sincere condolence protocol all over the web. They aren't going to spin this into a political opportunity will they? I watched World News last night, Jeb interviews very well not bad at all. If there are no other choices I will more then likely go with Hilary, her husband actually did some good things for our country, it looks like they may be joining forces for this campaign.

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