Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Black Ops Manifesto

I give the mobsters some credit, at least they have a live body to blame the church shooting on this time around unlike good old Adam Lanza. So they want to start a race war what else is new? I am under the impression that even the mobsters don't know what their end game is. Whether it is ramped up signature drone strikes based off of actionable intel rather then definitive with only sigint and zero humint, it is all the same. Collateral damage- These weirdo's have no respect for human life. Remember I stated "watch out for those Manifestos they are usually a dead giveaway for a black ops rogue intel agency false flag?" It looks like this kid had all types of twisted visions in his Manifesto. What makes this even worse is that an FBI profiler was giving her two cents about the Manifesto yesterday on the web. I believe that more people should be upset by this kind of deceit. The media, even Fox news is complicit in the scam this is definitely not a surprise. Maybe there is compartmentalization in the news agencies as well,  maybe they don't really know what is going on however I doubt this especially the way Bo Dietl was acting. I just read The Dark Side of Camelot- Seymour Hersh. I am sorry but I don't care what JFK did in his personal life, it is my assumption that the book has a limited hangout character assassination agenda. JFK was our greatest president, we wouldn't be dealing with this garbage if they didn't murder him and everybody else who didn't play ball. It appears our new Attorney General is playing ball just like Holder did with all types of guaranteed millions to be sent directly to the victims families right away. Wait a minute doesn't the kid need his day in court first? Wolfgang stated that even Adam Lanza deserved his day in court even in absentia isn't this the American way? Take down the Confederate Flag?- No, more like take down and get rid of the false flags you pathetic and twisted freaks

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