Thursday, June 25, 2015

FBI Terror Scam

After reading VTs article about Gov Christies Ft. Dix FBI terror scam it reminds me of my initial reaction of this new alleged ISIS recruit Justin Sullivan. The entire story looks like a complete joke. OK even if this kid did have visions of killing innocent people what resources and training did this 19 year old have access to? Is this enough info to turn this into a major world news story? It was on the evening news, this kid in the background while his father was on the phone with 911. It sounded so fake this country is really going down the tubes. Imagine working for the FBI in the fake manufactured terror division? JTTF- What an insult to anybody that would ever consider working for our country as a federal agent in what should be an honorable profession. I think about our politicians like Christie and many others and I get physically ill. Ft Dix was the highlight of his career- wow what a man. I would rather be scrubbing urinals then to be part of a FBI Rico scam. It looks like the Boston Marathon bomber is all set to be executed stated by federal guidelines. How do these Feds even live with themselves? What will they tell their grandkids "I worked for the FBI making up bull shit terror plots along with scumbag criminal informants all in an effort to pysop the American people to ultimately take away their weapons and their rights?" Fidelity- Bravery- Integrity?, Not really I have learned a lot over the years about what our FBI directors are really all about and I am not a fan to say the least. The best was when the FBI field office in Ct told Wolfgang that Sandy Hook is classified and that he will never have access to these files in his lifetime due to "National Security". What was the FBI even doing investigating a school shooting in Ct? It appears that FBI and DHS is even more evil then the CIA if that is even possible. Fetzer stated that it is mostly DHS and FBI involved in these False Flag hoaxes.

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