Monday, May 11, 2015

War Plan Let us be greatful for the dedication of Dr Preston James and Mike Harris for thier steadfast dedication to our country. They have uncovered history in its real form,  this has been sending shock waves across the globe. Dr Prestons articles are the finest I have ever read and has literally sent me into another wave of knowlege that continues to stimulate me on a daily basis. It took a little while and multiple reads of each article in the beginning due to the various acronyms and overall somewhat esoteric nature of the content but once this learning curve was overcome it was all uphill. Its not intel easily digested or the kind that one can easily talk to anybody about however this has been changing for the better as of late. Soon it will be everyday dinnertime conversation. Whats better bs OCC pseudo intel in the newspapers or anything else on tv or cable or the real kind?  Especially his latest article on Aliens and Hybrids -He blows the cover off of anything that has ever been published anywhere at anytime. The Super beyond Black ET Alien Agenda has allready led to a trail of dead bodies over the years, this is how secetive it has been.  Dr Preston is giving us and continues to give- We The People free intel can you imagine that? All of these other phonies and frauds out there that charge alot of money for this kind of knowlege or they try to scam you in some way with limited hangout, stooge, bad payload, disinfo etc.. and we are getting real US Intel  all for free. This Declaration Of War is the best thing I have read anywhere,  I know how much effort was put  behind it as well. I will end this blog by addressing the various critics I have read over the previous months that were giving VT a little grief for being all talk and no action as far as  addressing the real enemy ie- RKM- I knew as soon as I started reading thier articles that these guys were the real deal and that eventually they were going to back up thier words. A little patience is all we needed. The real history of the RKM is groundbreaking and quite historical. If we all reject the consent of any form of evil that continues to be perpetuated against  our countrty then we will continue to stay on the right path. These warriors were born for war, while everybody else gets into bread and circus shows and reality tv these brave warriors never took thier eye off the ball-. God Bless

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