Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bogus Intel AJ Info Hoars not good to smear the beloved Corps for your own sensational ratings. Mossad bubble gum boys giving the USA bogus intel definitely not a good situation. AJ had me sold hook line and sinker however once I woke up I realized that Jones is just a perfect spymaster- Cointelpro all the way the best in what the spy game has to offer. Jones claimed to get a lot of high quality intel post 9-11 by disgruntled people inside the system. If true this was also a perfect way to get intel on many people that could be used for favors, political manipulation, intel for potential blackmail the whole 9 yards. I don't like it when people play games with bogus intel aimed at We The People. The USMC would never harm us on our soil they do however  know how to go after the real enemy. They are true warriors- There is no better friend and no worse enemy then a US Marine. I was honored to walk on their hollowed ground for a short while and out of anybody that I ever trusted with my life they all happened to be mostly Marines. They operate on a much higher spiritual plane then most of us they are very proud people. That is why it is definitely criminal to place the devil dogs in a pejorative light AJ. Just out of curiosity is Jones a real Patriot does he really love our country inquiring people want to know? 

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