Thursday, May 21, 2015

Alex Jones Dark Wars I will never forget Jones going off into some kind of Satanic rage in reference to some innocent kid who was killed by thuggish cops. Apparently the kids dad was a cop as well. It was disturbing but Jones went way over the top. A caller who was a cop asked Jones why he doesn't talk about all of the good things cops do? We all know AJ needs to put on an act and I have learned who actually pulls his strings. It appears that he was making the average Joe off the street hate cops. Jones told us all the time that all of his closest buds were either military guys, cops or Feds and that his pedigree goes way back to a plethora of Patriotism, and that he even has family in special forces. Remember his Santa Ana rant on Piers Morgan? AJ also mentioned that some of his buds are intimidated to call out the NWO. Joe Bigs is a likeable guy very much worthy of my respect and so is David Knight, his entire crew is very impressive. And what could be better then listening to Dr P the ultimate intellectual dark ops spymaster? Its just that AJs string pullers appear to go way back and appear to be behind  JFK and 9-11. So what does this actually mean? I will tell you what any Thermite Sniffer or lawyer who was intentionally sent into the 9-11 truth movement in a direct attempt to obfuscate and distract from the real intel is guilty of some serious crimes.  I learned a lot from Jones but I am not a war monger, disinfo cointelpro neo con  His cover id appears to be one as a bonafide Patriot through and through. Another thing about Jones that made me wonder was is if all of his alleged death threats against him that he talked about over the years were valid/legit? It is my humble opinion that AJ is a protected entity that can basically walk on water without any worry of some rogue spook taking him out.  

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