Friday, September 25, 2015

Big Pharma Scam

Big Pharma is a scam. The name of the game is to keep everybody on the grid doped up on non narcotics and narcotics. I know this because I have been to hell and back, however I have nobody to blame but myself. Big Pharma has gorgeous women supplying doctors with scrips pushing their drug of the day. We are guinea pigs because just listening to the warning labels is enough to make anybody throw up. And then we have Xanax and Ambien that make people go insane and sleepwalk. These are people with no real history of mental disorders. Most md docs etc are definitely in it for the right reasons and I believe that they were taken by surprise by the real malevolent motive for a lot of these big pharma operations. These drugs are so addictive even to those with no history of alcoholism or mental illness. Many lives have been lost and ruined already and this is due to the big Pharma scam Racketeering operation. Weed is the only answer but unfortunately that can be abused as well. I felt like I was in Dantes Inferno coming off of Xanax cold turkey and I may have had a shot until I was locked up the next day for a vop. Again this was completely of my own making however I have a lot of experience that can hopefully benefit others

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