Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Just Wondering

I was just wondering how many people in our mass main stream media knew 9-11 was coming? Well for starters BBC told us that building 7 was down when it was still clearly visible in the background. How many people on Wall Street because their were put options placed on American Airlines. I clearly remember Sean Hannity telling the world that Hussain more then likely had his fingerprints all over 9-11? Failure of intel agencies is that what it really was? A lot and I mean a lot of people were told not to go in that day and this also includes many people that were told not to fly as well. I wonder if CNN knew what was up? The only thing I know for certain is that Anderson Cooper turned James Tracys life into a living hell when he questioned Sandyhook. The only thing that saved James Tracy was the fact that he has tenure otherwise I am certain his life would have been absolutely ruined like they have to countless other innocent people. Let us show gratitude to James Tracy because he really is a hero and one of the smartest guys I ever had the privilege of reading about. If anybody wants a definition of what good cia is supposed to be then check out www.memoryholeblog  

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