Monday, September 21, 2015

I Am Done

I am done with all of these pejorative comments about bw/xe you people are absolutely making me sick. The latest is that bw has been killing for fun since 1997. Nobody kills for fun unless they are flat out sociopaths and this is a very small percentage 3-5% of the population. I believe that Eric Prince was manipulated by a bunch of psychopathic con artists in the Bush Administration. He absolutely was because he even mentioned that what these freaks did to him was worse then what they did to Valerie Plame. Does anybody have a realistic analysis of what kind of pressure his men were under going into the Iraqi quagmire? Who gets the blame when a principle ends up dead? I also believe that they were ambushed in Nissor Square I don't give a flying f what the final report ended up stating. Yes we know about the Lucifarian Free Masons and the Military Industrial Complex but why is everybody blaming bw/xe? The majority of people working in all of our federal agencies are Green Badgers not direct Blue Badger Federal Agents. This means that everybody is a part of it. Black Sites were absolutely not his idea this came directly from the cia based off of a sociopathic mindset of a hardened terrorist w/ no empirical track record. He is a Patriot at the highest level of the spiritual sense. The psychopaths at the top manipulated our soldiers and private contractors and this turned into a feeding frenzy of epic proportions. Waxman shook Prince down and turned his life into a living hell by sending his BATF boys to his complex to confiscate his weapons, wouldn't this piss anybody off? What did bw/xe do wrong? They went into high speed theaters of operation completely undermanned under tremendous scrutiny, it didn't matter what they did right whatever non existent issue they did do was turned into front page news in the New York Times. I am not stating that some contractors didn't go  overboard but this was addressed and the contractors were terminated. Every American was conned manipulated used and abused by this phony hoax war on terror. Eric Prince is all about the safety and security of the American people so you people please stop bad mouthing bw/xe. Gitmo and places like it were horrific examples of how to gain intel, punish and whatever else you disgusting pedophiles do to get off on. This came from way up above and I repeat it had absolutely nothing to do with a particular private military firm. Hey New York Times please start talking about who was really responsible for 9-11 and the PNAC plan and everything else in between

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